You can install it by typing : composer require adexos/m2-jane-sdk-bridge
This SDK Bridge is a tool to easier Jane SDK generated client your implementation through your Magento 2 application.
In your di.xml
, you have to declare :
<!-- Start HTTP Config -->
<type name="Vendor\MySDKBridge\Http\MyClient">
<argument name="client" xsi:type="object">MyHttpClient</argument>
<virtualType name="MyHttpClient" type="Adexos\JaneSDKBridge\Http\Client">
<argument name="plugins" xsi:type="array">
<item name="hostPlugin" xsi:type="object">MyClientHostPlugin</item>
<item name="pathPlugin" xsi:type="object">MyClientPathPlugin</item>
<!-- You can change it if you are willing to override the generated client or extends it -->
<argument name="clientName" xsi:type="string">PathTo\Generated\Jane\Client</argument>
<virtualType name="MyClientHostPlugin" type="Adexos\JaneSDKBridge\Http\Plugins\HostPlugin">
<argument name="configPath" xsi:type="const">
<virtualType name="MyClientPathPlugin" type="Adexos\JaneSDKBridge\Http\Plugins\PathPlugin">
<argument name="configPath" xsi:type="const">
<!-- End HTTP Config -->
Where your Vendor\MySDKBridge\Http\MyClient
namespace Vendor\MySDKBridge\Http;
use Adexos\JaneSDKBridge\Http\Bridge\ClientExtender;
class MyClient
private \Adexos\JaneSDKBridge\Http\Client $client;
public function __construct(\Adexos\JaneSDKBridge\Http\Client $client)
$this->client = $client;
public function getClient(): \PathTo\Generated\JaneClient
//This class allows you to have an attachment point to the HTTP client
//and to have hint types because of the generic SDKs
//you can do whatever you want here such as do some checks or passing scope for the bearer token :
// return $this->client->getClient(['scope' => 'my_custom_scope'']);
return $this->client->getClient();
You must extends this specific class to have autocompletion for your injected client.
Then, in a class you can inject :
namespace Vendor\Magento\Helper;
use Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerInterface;
use Vendor\MySDKBridge\Http\MyClient;
class UpdateCustomers
private MyClient $client;
public function __construct(MyClient $client)
public function updateCustomer(CustomerInterface $customer): void
//or whatever endpoint available on your JanePHP SDK
$this->client->getClient()->updateCustomer(['firstname' => $customer->getFirstname()]);
You may want to use authentication provided by JanePHP in a generic way (API key or Bearer for example).
JanePHP generates (if needed) an authentication class in the Authentication
folder of your SDK :
To do so, use the ApiKeyPluginWrapper
provided in this module and add it to your plugins :
You can use following auth methods :
- Bearer authorization
- Basic auth authorization
<type name="Vendor\MySDKBridge\Http\MyClient">
<argument name="client" xsi:type="object">MyHttpClient</argument>
<virtualType name="MyHttpClient" type="Adexos\JaneSDKBridge\Http\Client">
<argument name="plugins" xsi:type="array">
<!-- Your plugins... -->
<argument name="apiKeyPlugin" xsi:type="object">MyApiKeyPlugin</argument>
<argument name="bearerPlugin" xsi:type="object">MyBearerPlugin</argument>
<argument name="basicAuthPlugin" xsi:type="object">MyBasicAuthPlugin</argument>
<virtualType name="MyApiKeyPlugin" type="Adexos\JaneSDKBridge\Http\Plugins\Auth\ApiKeyPluginWrapper">
<argument name="authenticationPluginClass" xsi:type="string">
<!-- XML path to your ENCRYPTED API Key -->
<argument name="configPath" xsi:type="const">
<!-- Not needed if no Bearer are required -->
<virtualType name="MyBearerPlugin" type="Adexos\JaneSDKBridge\Http\Plugins\Auth\BearerPluginWrapper">
<argument name="bearerPluginClass" xsi:type="string">
<!-- Not needed if no Basic auth are required -->
<virtualType name="MyBasicAuthPlugin" type="Adexos\JaneSDKBridge\Http\Plugins\Auth\BasicAuthPluginWrapper">
<argument name="basicAuthPluginClass" xsi:type="string">
<argument name="configPathUsername" xsi:type="const">
<argument name="configPathPassword" xsi:type="const">
/!\ If you want encrypt your API Key or password, you can use the Magento 2 backend_model
in yoursystem.xml
file like this example:
<field id="api_key" translate="label" type="obscure" sortOrder="40" showInDefault="1"
showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1" canRestore="1">
<label>Api key</label>
Your PHP application must implement its own Client
or have some packages installed to handle :
In this package :
- PSR-18 is handled by
symfony/http-client >= 4.4
- PSR-17 is handled by
nyholm/psr7 ^1.4
You can use the package you want as long as it respects the PSR standards.
- The bridge implement the http logger plugin and if you active this feature you can log all request and response to a loggerInterface. You can admin this in Configuration section of your magento.