- Updated to big-data-europe#108
- fix tags on images
See repository branches for supported hadoop versions
To deploy an example HDFS cluster for first time, run:
docker-compose up
To clean volumes, run:
make clean
docker-compose up
To run hdfs command, run:
docker run --network docker-hadoop_default --env-file hadoop.env bde2020/hadoop-base:master hdfs dfs -ls /
To run hadoop command inside container, run:
docker run -it --network docker-hadoop_default -v `pwd`:/data --env-file hadoop.env bde2020/hadoop-base:master bash
Run example wordcount job:
make wordcount
Or deploy in swarm:
docker network create --driver overlay hbase
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose-v3.yml hadoop
creates a docker network that can be found by running docker network list
, e.g. docker-hadoop_default
Run docker network inspect
on the network (e.g. docker-hadoop_default
) to find the IP the Hadoop interfaces are published on. Access these interfaces with the following URLs:
- Namenode: http://localhost:9870/dfshealth.html#tab-overview
- History server: http://localhost:8188/applicationhistory
- Resource manager: http://localhost:8088/
All other Hadoop communication ports are not exposed and only accessible from inside the Docker network using service name and port.
The configuration parameters can be specified in the hadoop.env file or as environmental variables for specific services (e.g. namenode, datanode etc.):
CORE_CONF corresponds to core-site.xml. fs_defaultFS=hdfs://namenode:8020 will be transformed into:
To define dash inside a configuration parameter, use triple underscore, such as YARN_CONF_yarn_log___aggregation___enable=true (yarn-site.xml):
The available configurations are:
- /etc/hadoop/core-site.xml CORE_CONF
- /etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml HDFS_CONF
- /etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml YARN_CONF
- /etc/hadoop/httpfs-site.xml HTTPFS_CONF
- /etc/hadoop/kms-site.xml KMS_CONF
- /etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml MAPRED_CONF
If you need to extend some other configuration file, refer to base/entrypoint.sh bash script.
Thanks to original maintainer "Ivan Ermilov mailto:[email protected]"