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Unending programming practice in Python sourcing problems mostly from Leetcode and CodeForces.
Implementing ResNets from scratch on PyTorch and using it for a classification task on a cool dataset created by scraping Google images.
Personal blog to scribble about a million things that interest me and experiment with Haskell and .js technologies on the way
A core-preserving feature learning framework for networks. Published ASONAM 2018
Find and explore the shortest path between any two pages on Wikipedia
DBMS project for online Food Ordering system -
Kaggle's competition for using Google's word2vec package for sentiment analysis
Theano was a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently. It is being continued as PyTensor: www.github.…
Supervised learning for novelty detection in text
Lightweight library to build and train neural networks in Theano