This package includes a set of functions to access data in the raw MusicBrainz PostgreSQL database tables. This is a read-only package designed to make certain data retrieval features easier than with the XML Web Service API the MusicBrainz server provides.
All functions accept a pgmb.DB
as their first argument. This is a wrapper around the standard
library DB object. Use NewDB(*sql.DB)
to create one:
db, err = sql.Open("postgres", "postgres://user:pass@localhost/db_name?sslmode=disable&search_path=musicbrainz,public")
if err != nil {
mbDB := pgmb.NewDB(db)
Tests require a completely populated MusicBrainz database connection information must be supplied
as an environment variable PGMB_TEST_DSN
Here's an example:
- Test features which would allow looking up the "canonical" (earliest Official, U.S.-released occurrence) of a recording based on an artist name and song title. This likely is a search feature on Track.