Illustrates an issue that occurs in Release Mode on IOS when from a page containing a GoogleMap widget (google_maps_flutter) a second page is pushed that contains a WebView (webview_flutter).
The issue is that a white screen is shown when returning to the GoogleMap page from the WebView page, if the app has been paused from the WebView page, then resumed.
This has been reported as Issue #40251 against the flutter/flutter repo.
- Merge this repo into a fresh Flutter project.
- Add the needed google map keys to ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift and android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
- Run the app on IOS in Release Mode.
- Navigate to the second page by pressing the button.
- Press the iPhone "Home" button to pause the app, then return to the running app.
- Use the back button on the second page's app bar. Instead of returning to the first page, a white screen is shown.