An async loaded Stripe credit card form rendered in a react component which triggers requests to Django.
- Go to and register.
- In your stripe dashboard click on Developers -> API keys in the left side menu - you should see your publishable and secret keys
- Clone the repo
- cd frontend && npm install
- make a .env file in the frontend directory and insert the your Publishable key from the dasboard: REACT_APP_publishable="YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY"
- npm start and you should see your credit card form rendered
- cd backend, create a virtualenv, activate it and do a pip install -r requirements.txt
- make a .env file in your backend direcotry and post your Stripe Secret Key from the Dashbaord: STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=YOUR_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY
- python runserver and go open the payments( section on your dasboard if you use any of stripe's test( credit card numbers to try out the form your payments section in the dashboard should update accordingly