This app supposed to be a Gitbook Explorer.
The features are as below:
- Explore(finished),sort(unfinished)
- Read(processing)
- Download PDF(finisehd)
- Search(finished)
- Topics(unfinished)
- Login(Further, and star, subscribe also)
- Forget, Settings or localstorage?
- 腾讯应用宝,华为,小米市场,豌豆荚
- 语言本地化(中文名:猿书,需要重新打包)
- 已下载pdf列表以及阅读
- 缓存页面
- 网易风格的加载进度条
- google admobs研究
to ease the release of this app,
i need to make a plan for the release versions.
Current Version: 1.0.0-release , release eta 2017-6-23, must include features as below:
- read
- download
- explore
- search
1.1.0-release features,eta:null:
- settings(sort,cache)
- donate(? not decided)
- login(facebook,github,twitter,gitbook? not decided)
- cache(pages)
- settings(cache settings)
- topic search
Packages and Framework:
- @ionic/cli-utils: 1.4.0
- Cordova CLI: 7.0.1
- Ionic CLI: 3.4.0
- @ionic/app-script: 1.3.7
- @ionic/cli-plugin-cordova : 1.4.0
- @ionic/cli-plugin-ionic-angular : 1.3.1
- Cordova Platforms : android 6.2.3
- Ionic Frameword : ionic-angular 3.3.0
- Node: v6.9.4
- npm:5.0.3
Dev Tools:
- Visual Studio Code
- Android Studio
- Genymotion(deprecated, use android avd instead.)
- Chrome