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ETS-Project parser

Parse an ETS-Project

  1. Import the parser
import etsProjParser from './etsProjParser'
  1. Initialize the parser
const retVal = await etsProjParser(pathToProjectFile, pathToWorkdir)
  • The initialization process mainly consists of the unpacking of the project
    • ETS-Project files are simple ZIP files containing XML files
  • pathToProjectFile is the path of the ETS-Project file
  • pathToWorkdir is the path to the directory the project will be unpacked to
    • The directory can be deleted after parsing is done - It should be deleted before parsing another project
  1. Check if the initialization succeeded
  • If everything went fine, retVal will be the parser-function
  • On error, retVal will be an object of the Error type
if (retVal.constructor === Error) {
  1. Start the actual parsing project
const result = await retVal(parseDeviceApplicationInformation)
  • parseDeviceApplicationInformation (Boolean) enables/disables parsing information about the applications running on KNX devices (See result.deviceApplicationLookupTable)
  • NOTE that it can take more than 30 seconds for bigger projects
  1. Check if parsing the project succeeded
if (result.constructor === Error) {

The structure of a parsed project

  • result is the result returned from the parser
  • All the values below are example values
result = {
    projectInformation: {
        ID: "P-05A5",
        name: "ProjectXYZ",
        groupAddressStyle: "ThreeLevel",
        deviceCount: 33,
        lastModified: "1998-02-17T15:22:02.1918306Z",
        lastUsedPuid: 1234,
        GUID: "11c2cac3-4ab4-4548-8661-667a6c387cd9",
        completionStatus: "Editing",
        projectStart: "1996-06-18T22:22:42Z",
        etsVersion: {
            application: "ETS5",
            version: "5.4.953"
    topology: {
        areas: [
            ..., {
                ID: "P-05A5-0_A-1",
                name: "AreaABC",
                address: "1",
                lines: [
                    ..., {
                        ID: "P-05A5-0_L-1",
                        name: "Line123",
                        address: "1.0",
                        __referenceIDs: {
                            mediumTypeRefID: "MT-0"
                        devices: [
                            ..., {
                                ID: "P-05A5-0_DI-20",
                                name: "DeviceDEF",
                                description: "Is Green",
                                address: "1.0.13",
                                isCommunicationVisibilityCalculated: true,
                                programmingStatus: {
                                    serialNumber: "ABCDEFGH",
                                    applicationProgramLoaded: true,
                                    communicationPartLoaded: true,
                                    individualAddressLoaded: true,
                                    parametersLoaded: true,
                                    mediumConfigLoaded: true,
                                    lastUsedAPDULength: 40,
                                    maxReadAPDULength: 55,
                                    lastModified: "2009-01-24T20:25:11.7929688Z",
                                    lastDownload: "2010-12-24T22:30:00.7929688Z"
                                communicationObjectReferences: [
                                    ..., {
                                        __communicationObjectRefID: "M-0002_A-A062-11-180E_O-11_R-1426",
                                        description: "XYZ",
                                        readFlag: true,
                                        transmitFlag: false,
                                        updateFlag: true,
                                        writeFlag: true,
                                        isActive: true,
                                        channelID: "",
                                        connectors: [
                                            ..., {
                                                send: [
                                                    ..., {
                                                        __groupAddressRefID: "P-05A5-0_GA-17"
                                                    }, ...
                                                receive: [
                                                    ..., {
                                                        __groupAddressRefID: "P-05A5-0_GA-110"
                                                    }, ...
                                            }, ...
                                    }, ...
                                parameterReferences: [
                                    ..., {
                                        __parameterRefID: "M-0002_A-A05C-32-3F16_P-24515_R-24515",
                                        parameterValue: "1"
                                    }, ...
                                security: {
                                    sequenceNumber: 0,
                                    sequenceNumberTimestamp: "2011-02-29T18:03:03.0102982Z"
                                __referenceIDs: {
                                    productRefID: "M-0002_H-2CDG.20110.2011…CDG.20110.20113.20R0011",
                                    hardware2ProgramRefID: "M-0002_H-2CDG.20110.2011…R0011-1_HP-A05C-32-3F16"
                            }, ...
                    }, ...
            }, ...
        unassignedDevices: [
            ..., contains the same type of objects as devices[], ...
    buildings: [
        ..., {
            ID: "P-02A1-0_BP-1",
            name: "Building123",
            type: "Building",
            deviceReferences: [
                ..., {
                    __deviceRefID: "P-02A1-0_DI-1"
                }, ...
            functions: [
                ..., {
                    ID: "P-02A1-0_F-1",
                    name: "FunctionABC",
                    type: "SwitchableLight",
                    groupAddressReferences: [
                        ..., {
                            ID: "P-02A1-0_GF-5",
                            name: "GAReference123",
                            __groupAddressRefID: "P-02A1-0_GA-5"
                        }, ...
                }, ...
            buildingParts: [
                ..., same type as the contents of buildings[] buf with another type, ...
        }, ...
    groupAddresses: {
        groupRanges: [
            ..., {
                ID: "P-02A1-0_GR-1",
                name: "New main group",
                rangeStart: 1,
                rangeEnd: 2047,
                passTroughLineCoupler: true,
                groupRanges: [
                    ..., GARanges can contain other GARanges, ...
                groupAddresses: [
                    ..., {
                        ID: "P-02A1-0_GA-1",
                        name: "GAName123",
                        address: 1,
                        description: "GroupAddressOfABC",
                        datapointType: "DPST-1-1",
                        passTroughLineCoupler: true,
                        centralFlag: false
                    }, ...
            }, ...
    productLookupTable: [
        ..., {
            ID: "M-0002_H-2CDG.20110.20152.20R0011-1",
            name: "SA/S4.6.1.1",
            busCurrent: 12,
            serialNumber: "2CDG 110 152 R0011",
            flags: {
                isAccessory: false
                isPowerSupply: false
                isChoke: false
                isCoupler: false
                isPowerLineRepeater: false
                isPowerLineSignalFilter: false
                isCable: false
                isIPEnabled: false
                hasApplicationProgram1: true
                hasApplicationProgram2: false
                hasIndividualAddress: true
                noDownloadWithoutPlugin: false
            products: [
                ..., {
                    ID: "M-0002_H-2CDG.20110.20152.20R0011-1_P-2CDG.20110.20152.20R0011",
                    text: "SA/S4.6.1.1 Switch Actuator,4-fold,6A,MDRC",
                    orderNumber: "2CDG 110 152 R0011",
                    visibleDescription: "ProductDescriptionABC"
                }, ...
            __referenceIDs: {
                originalManufacturerID: "M-00C5",
                manufacturerID: "M-00C8",
                applicationProgramRefID: "M-0083_A-000D-11-501B"
        }, ...
    manufacturerLookupTable: [
        ..., {
            ID: "M-0001",
            KNXmanufacturerID: "1",
            manufacturerName: "Siemens"
        }, ...
    datapointLookupTable: [
        ..., {
            ID: "DPT-1",
            dptNumber: 1,
            dptName: "",
            dptText: "1-bit",
            dptSizeInBit: 1,
            datapointSubtypes: [
                ..., {
                    ID: "DPST-1-1",
                    subDptNumber: 1,
                    subDptName: "DPT_Switch",
                    subDptText: "switch"
                }, ...
        }, ...
    mediumTypeLookupTable: [
        ..., {
            ID: "MT-1",
            number: 1,
            name: "PL",
            text: "PowerLine",
            domainAddressLength: 8
        }, ...
    deviceApplicationLookupTable: [
        ..., {
            ID: "M-0002_A-A088-32-C0B5",
            name: "Switch 4f 6A/3.2b",
            number: 41096,
            version: "50",
            programType: "ApplicationProgram",
            maskVersion: "MV-0701",
            __manufacturerRefID: "M-0002"
        }, ...
    deviceMaskversionLookupTable: [
        ..., {
            ID: "MV-0010",
            maskVersion: 16,
            managementModel: "Bcu1",
            unloadedIndividualAddress: 65280,
            maxIndividualAddress: 32767,
            maxGroupAddress: 4095,
            __mediumTypeRefID: "MT-0",
            __otherMediumTypeRefID: "MT-1",
            resources: [
                ..., {
                    name: "ManagementStyle",
                    access: "remote local1",
                    addressSpace: "StandardMemory",
                    startAddress: 1,
                    ptrResource: "GroupObjectTablePtr",
                    interfaceObjectRef: 2,
                    propertyID: 5,
                    occurrence: 1,
                    length: 2,
                    flavour: "GroupObjectTable_Bcu11",
                    readRights: "Runtime",
                    writeRights: "Configuration"
                }, ...
            compatibleMaskVersionIDs: [
                ..., "MV-0910", ...
        }, ...
    // Functions
    getProjectInformation: Function,
    getAreas: Function,
    getAreaByKey: Function,
    getLines: Function,
    getLineByKey: Function,
    getUnassignedDevices: Function,
    getUnassignedDeviceByKey: Function,
    getDevices: Function,
    getDeviceByKey: Function,
    getBuildingParts: Function,
    getBuildingPartByKey: Function,
    getFunctions: Function,
    getFunctionByKey: Function,
    getGroupAddresses: Function,
    getGroupAddressByKey: Function,
    getProductsFamilies: Function,
    getProductFamilyByKey: Function,
    getProducts: Function,
    getProductByKey: Function,
    getManufacturers: Function,
    getManufacturerByKey: Function,
    getDatapointTypes: Function,
    getDatapointTypeByKey: Function,
    getDatapointSubTypes: Function,
    getDatapointSubTypeByKey: Function,
    getMediumTypes: Function,
    gedMediumTypeByKey: Function,
    getDeviceApplicationInformation: Function,
    getDeviceApplicationInformationByKey: Function,
    getMaskversions: Function,
    getMaskversionByKey: Function,
    exportToJson: Function

The parts of a parsed project

  • Single objects of the structure (above) are explained here
  • Some objects lack explanation, due to missing information
  • Normally, a whole tree is contained in one section below. But there are some exceptions, like the topology tree, that are split up because they are to complex for one section


  • It contains general information about the project parsed from the project information file
    • This file is contained in the project directory inside the unpacked project:
    • .ID stores the id of the project (String). Same name as the project directory inside the unpacked project. Normal format:
    "P-####"        Where '#' is replaced with other characters or numbers
    • .name stores the name of the project. (String)
    • .groupAddressStyle stores the group address representation style used in the project (String). Possible values:
    "Free"          No preferred group address representation is set        (both x/y and x/y/z)
    "TwoLevel"      Group addresses are represented in two-level-style      (only x/y)
    "ThreeLevel"    Group addresses are represented in three-level-style    (only x/y/z)
    • .deviceCount stores the number of devices contained in the project (Number)
    • .lastModified stores a date string representing the date the project was last modified (String)
    • .lastUsedPUID ... (Number)
    • .GUID ... (String)
    • .completionStatus stores the completion status of the project (String). Possible values:
    • .projectStart stores a date string representing the starting date of the project (String)
    • .etsVersion stores information about the used version of ETS
      • .application store the name of the used application (String). Normally one of:
      "ETS5"          For all variations of ETS five
      "ETS4"          For all variations of ETS four
      • .version stores the more precise sub-version of the ETS version used (String)


  • It contains the project topology which contains all areas, lines and devices with their attributes stored in relation to each other
  • .areas[] stores information about all areas contained in the project


  • It contains devices that aren't designated to any area (and line)
  • The device objects contained in it are the same as those in result.topology.areas[n].lines[n1].devices[] (see below)


  • (Described below is a single element of result.topology.areas[])
  • .ID stores the ID of the area (String). Normally like:
    • [PROJECT_ID] is the ID of the project (see result.projectInformation.ID)
    • n some number
    • A stands for "Area"
    • x is the area index, starting for one
  • .name stores the name of the area (String)
  • .address stores the ares part of the individual address of a device (String)
    • AA is the area part
    • < 4²
  • .lines[] stores all line contained in the area


  • (Described below is a single element of result.topology.areas[n].lines[])
  • .ID stores the ID of the line (String). Normally like:
    • [PROJECT_ID] is the ID of the project (see projectInformation.ID)
    • n some number
    • L stands for "Line"
    • x is the line index, starting for one
  • .name store the name of the line (String)
  • .address stores the area and the line part of the individual address of a device (String)
    • LL is the line part
    • < 4²
  • .__referenceIDs contains IDs referencing other objects
    • .mediumTypeRefID stores the reference ID of the used physical medium (String). Can be resolved using:
    result.getMediumTypeByKey('ID', .mediumTypeRefID)
  • .devices[] stores all devices contained in the line


  • (Described below is a single element of result.topology.areas[n].lines[n1].devices[])
  • .ID stores the ID of the device (String). Normally like:
    • [PROJECT_ID] is the ID of the project (see projectInformation.ID)
    • n some number
    • DI stands for "Device" (forget about the I)
    • x is the device index
  • .address stores the whole individual address of a device (String)
    • DDD is the device part
    • < 8²
  • .isCommunicationVisibilityCalculated ...
  • .programmingStatus stores device-programming related information
    • .serialNumber Stores the serial number of the device (String)
    • .applicationProgramLoaded (Boolean) Possible values:
    true        The application program is loaded onto the device
    false       The application program is not loaded onto the device
    • .communicationPartLoaded (Boolean) Possible values:
    true        The communication part is loaded onto the device
    false       The communication part is not loaded onto the device
    • .individualAddressLoaded (Boolean) Possible values:
    true        The individual address is loaded onto the device
    false       The individual address is not loaded onto the device
    • .parametersLoaded (Boolean) Possible values:
    true        The application parameters are loaded onto the device
    false       The application parameters are not loaded onto the device
    • .mediumConfigLoaded (Boolean) Possible values:
    true        The medium config is loaded onto the device
    false       The medium config is not loaded onto the device
    • .lastUsedAPDULength (Number) ...
    • .maxReadAPDULength (Number) ...
    • .lastModified (String) stores the date of the last time the devices programming was changed
    • .lastDownload (String) stores the data of the last time something was written to the device
  • .security ...
    • .sequenceNumber (Number)
    • .sequenceNumberTimestamp (String) stores the date of the origin of the sequenceNumber
  • .__referenceIDs
    • .productRefID (String) stores the reference to the product/hardware this device is. Can be resolved with:
      result.getProductByKey('ID', .productRefID)
    • .hardware2ProgramRefID (String) stores the reference to the application running on this device
  • .parameterReferences[] explained below
  • .communicationObjectReferences[] explained below


  • (Described below is a single element of result.topology.areas[n].lines[n1].devices[n2].parameterReferences[])
  • It stores information about device parameters/settings
  • .__parameterRefID (String) stores the ID of the referenced parameter
    • No parameter reference resolving supported
  • .parameterValue stores the value of the referenced parameter
    • No static type can be determined


  • (Described below is a single element of result.topology.areas[n].lines[n1].devices[n2].communicationObjectReferences[])
  • A communication object is an object that describes how and with whom the device communicates linked to a specific property of the device
  • It also contains the group addresses used and the read, transmit and update flag of the property
  • It is the data behind 'Group Objects' tab of a device in ETS
  • .__communicationObjectRefID (String) stores the ID of the referenced communication object
  • .description (String) stores the description
  • .readFlag (Boolean) if the object is readable or noht
  • .transmitFlag (Boolean) if the object is transmittable (?) or not
  • .updateFlag (Boolean) if the object is updateable (?) or not
  • .writeFlag (Boolean) if the object is writable or not
  • .isActive (Boolean) if the object is active or not
  • .channelID (Unknown) ...
  • .connectors stores information about where data is sent to and where data will be received from
    • .send[] stores group addresses to which data will be sent to
      • .__groupAddressRefID (String) stores the ID of the referenced group address
    • receive[] stores group addresses from which data will be received
      • .__groupAddressRedID (String) stores the ID of the referenced group address


  • (Described below is a single element of result.buildings[])
  • It contains all buildings, building parts, devices and functions of the project stored in relation to each other
  • It is important to notice that a building is technically a building part like a floor, a stairway, ...
  • .ID (String) stores the ID of the building part
    • [PROJECT_ID] is the ID of the project (see projectInformation.ID)
    • n some number
    • BP stands for BuildingPart
    • x is the buildings index
  • .name (String) the name of the building part
  • .type (String) the type of the building part. Normally one of:
  • .deviceReferences[]
    • .__deviceRefID (String) stores the ID of the referenced device. Can be resolved with:
    result.getDeviceByKey('ID', .__deviceRefID)
  • .functions[]
    • .ID (String) the ID of the function
      • [PROJECT_ID] is the ID of the project (see projectInformation.ID)
      • n some number
      • F stands for Function
      • x is the functions index
    • .name (String) stores the name of the function
    • .type (String) stores the type of the function. Normally one of:
    • .groupAddressReferences[]
      • .ID (String) stores the ID of the group address reference
      • .name (String) stores the name of the GAF
      • .role (String) stores the role of the GAF. Examples:
      • .__groupAddressRefID (String) stores the ID of the referenced GroupAddress. Can be resolved with:
        result.getGroupAddressByKey('ID', .__groupAddressRefID)
  • .buildingParts[] stores more building parts ("recursive")


  • (Described below is a single element of result.groupAddresses[])
  • Contains a structure of GroupRanges which contain GroupAddresses
  • .groupRanges[]
  • .ID (String) stores the ID of the GroupRange
    • [PROJECT_ID] is the ID of the project (see projectInformation.ID)
    • n some number
    • GR stands for GroupRange
    • x is the group ranges index
  • .name (String) stores the name of the GroupRange
  • .rangeStart (Number) stores the start group address of the range
  • .rangeEnd (Number) stores the end group address of the range
  • .passTroughLineCoupler (Boolean) Possible values:
    true        Messages with group addresses in this range will be passed trough a line coupler
    false       Messages with group addresses in this range won't be passed trough a line coupler
  • .groupAddresses[]
    • .ID (String) stores the ID of the GroupAddress
      • [PROJECT_ID] is the ID of the project (see projectInformation.ID)
      • n some number
      • GA stands for GroupAddress
      • x is the group addresses index
    • .name (String) stores the name of the GroupAddress
    • .address (Number) stores the actual GroupAddress
    • .description (String) stores the description of the GroupAddress
    • .datapointType (String) stores the datapoint type ID associated with this address.
      • There are two possible .datapointType "variations":
      • DP(S)T stands for Datapoint(Sub)Type
      • n is the number of the datapoint type
      • n1 is the number of the datapoint sub-type
      result.getDatapointTypeByKey('ID', .datapointType)
      • The first variation can be resolved with:
      result.getDatapointType('ID', .datapointType)
      • ... and the second one can be resolved with:
      result.getDatapointSubTypeByKey('ID', .datapointType)
    • .passTroughLineCoupler (Boolean) Possible values:
      true        Messages with group addresses in this range will be passed trough a line coupler
      false       Messages with group addresses in this range won't be passed trough a line coupler
      • If .passTroughLineCoupler is set in the GroupRange above, it is inherited from it
    • .centralFlag (Boolean) ...


  • (Described below is a single element of result.productLookupTable[])
  • It contains product families containing products
  • .ID (String) stores the ID of the product family
    Example:   "M-0002_H-2CDG.20110.20152.20R0011-1"
    • For information about MANUFACTURER_IDs, see result.manufacturerLookupTable[]
  • .name (String) stores the name of the product family
  • .busCurrent (Number) ...
  • .serialNumber (String) stores the serial number of the product family
  • .flags
    • .isAccessory (Boolean)
    • .isPowerSupply (Boolean)
    • .isChoke (Boolean)
    • .isCoupler (Boolean)
    • .isPowerLineRepeater (Boolean)
    • .isPowerLineSignalFilter (Boolean)
    • .isCable (Boolean)
    • .isIPEnabled (Boolean)
    • .hasApplicationProgram1 (Boolean)
    • .hasApplicationProgram2 (Boolean)
    • .hasIndividualAddress (Boolean)
    • .noDownloadWithoutPlugin (Boolean) One of:
      true        All devices in this family can't be programmed without using a manufacturer specific plugin
      false       All devices in this family can be programmed the normal way
  • .products[] Contains the actual products contained in the product family
    • .ID (String) stores the ID of the product
      • Same structure as the .ID field of the overlaying product family, but with more data appended to it
    • .text (String) stores a short name-like description of the product
    • .orderNumber (String) ...
    • .visibleDescription (String) stores a description of the product
  • .__referenceIDs[]
    • .originalManufacturerID (String) stores the ID of the manufacturer who originally produced this product
    • .manufacturerID (String) stores the ID of the manufacturer who sold this product
    • .applicationProgramRefID (String) the ID of the application program used for this product family
    • .originalManufacturerID and .manufacturerID can be resolved with:
      result.getManufacturerByKey('ID', .originalManufacturerID or .manufacturerID)
    • .applicationProgramRefID can be resolved with:
      result.getDeviceApplicationInformationByKey('ID', .applicationProgramRefID)


  • (Described below is a single element of result.manufacturerLookupTable[])
  • It contains information about KNX device manufacturers
  • .ID (String) stores the ID of the manufacturer
    • M standing for "Manufacturer"
    • 0001 being the manufacturer ID, this one standing for Siemens
  • .KNXmanufacturerID (Number) being the KNX manufacturer number/ID
  • .manufacturerName (String) stores the name of the manufacturer


  • (Described below is a single element of result.datapointLookupTable[])
  • It contains information about datapoint types and their sub-types
  • .ID (String) stores the ID of the datapoint type
    • DPT stands for "DataPointType"
    • 1 is the ID/number of the DPT
  • .dptNumber (Number) stores the number of this DPT
  • .dptName (String) stores the name of this DPT
  • .dptText (String) stores a short describing string about this DPT
  • .dptSizeInBit (Number) stores the size of the data transmitted labeled with this DPT
  • .datapointSubtypes
    • .ID (String) stores the ID of the datapoint sub-type
      • DPST stand for DataPointSubType
      • 1 is the ID/number of the DPT
      • 1 is the ID/number of the DPST
    • .subDptNumber (Number) stores the number of the DPST
    • .subDptName (String) stores the name of the DPST
    • .subDptText (String) stores a short describing string about this DPST


  • (Described below is a single element of result.mediumTypeLookupTable[])
  • It contains information about physical KNX mediums
  • .ID (String) stores the ID of the KNX medium
    • MT stands for MediumType
    • 1 is the MT number
  • .number (Number) stores the number of the MT
  • .name (String) stores the name of the MT
  • .text (String) stores a short describing string about this MT
  • .domainAddressLength (Number) ...


  • (Described below is a single element of result.deviceApplicationLookupTable)
  • It contains information about device application programs
  • .ID (String) stores the ID of the device application program
  • .name (String) stores the name of the DAP
  • .number (Number) stores the DAP number (also stored on the KNX device)
  • .version (String) stores the version of the DAP (-||-)
  • .programType (String) stores a string describing the type of the DAP. Possible values:
  • .maskVersion (String) stores the mask version for the application program
  • .__manufacturerRefID (String) stores the ID of the manufacturer of the device family this application program should run on. Can be resolved with:
    result.getManufacturerByKey('ID', .__manufacturerRefID)


  • (Described below is a single element of result.deviceMaskversionLookupTable)
    • MV stand for MaskVersion
    • 0010 represents the maskversion number in hex (see .maskVersion)
  • .ID (String) stores the ID of the device maskversion
  • .name (String) stores the name of the maskversion
  • .maskVersion (Number) the number of the maskversion
  • .managementModel (String) stores the management model of this maskversion. Some examples:
  • .unloadedIndividualAddress (Number) stores the individual address the device would use when it isn't programmed to use another address
  • .maxIndividualAddress (Number) stores the highest individual address usable with devices (device applications) with this maskversion
  • .maxGroupAddress (Number) stores the highest group address usable with devices (device applications) with this maskversion
  • .__mediumTypeRefID (String) stores the reference ID of the medium type device applications with this maskversion can run on
  • .__otherMediumTypeRefIDs (String) stores a reference ID of an alternative medium type
  • .compatibleMaskVersionIDs[] (String[]) stores strings (like .__mediumTypeRefID)
  • .resources[]


(Described below is a single element of result.deviceMaskversionLookupTable.resources)

  • A resource describes a resource available on KNX devices with the corresponding maskversion
    • Normally, the resource is a value than can be read/written from/to the device like the ProgrammingMode resource, which can be read to check if the device is in programming mode. It can also be set into programming mode by writing a value to the resource
    • There are (mostly) two ways of accessing a resource:
      • Via direct memory reading/writing - for this .startAddress, .length and .addressSpace must be given
      • Via property read/write requests - for this .propertyID, .length
  • .name (String) stores the name of the resource
  • .access (String) stores a string describing how/from where the resource is accessible. Examples:
    "remote local1"
    "remote local2"
    "remote local1 local2"
  • .addressSpace (String) stores a string describing describing in which address space the resource is stored on the KNX device. Normally one of:
  • .startAddress (Number) stores the address of the first byte to read when using direct memory access
  • .ptrResource (String) stores the name of the resource that points to this resource
    • Will only be set if .addressSpace equals
    • Usually one of:
  • .interfaceObjectRef (Number) ...
  • .propertyID (Number)
  • .occurrence (Number) stores the property ID when using property based access
  • .length (Number) stores the length of the resource, independent from the method used to access the resource
  • .flavour (String) stores the flavour/type of the resource. (Usually) one of:
  • .readRights (String) stores a string describing the "situation" in which the resource can be read. Examples:
  • .writeRights (String) stores a string describing the "situation" in which the resource can be written. Examples:


  • For information on the returned values, see above

result.get*ByKey(key, value)

  • Function of this type (see below) are used to get an element which matches the key-value pair
    let a = [
            b: 1,
            c: 2,
            e: 5
            b: { c: 3 },
            e: 5
            d: 4,
            e: 5
    // If there would be a function result.getAByKey()
    //      result.getAByKey('b', 1) would return [{b: 1, c: 2, e: 5}]
    //      result.getAByKey(['b', 'c'], 3) would return [{b: { c: 3 }, e: 5}]
    //      result.getAByKey('e', 5) would return all members of the array a


  • Returns result.projectInformation


  • Returns result.topology.areas[]

result.getAreaByKey(key, value)

  • Returns an array of matching elements of result.topology.areas[]


  • Returns result.topology.areas[n].lines[]

result.getLineByKey(key, value)

  • Returns an array of matching elements of result.topology.areas[n].lines[]


  • Returns result.topology.unassignedDevices[]

result.getUnassignedDeviceByKey(key, value)

  • Returns an array of matching elements of result.topology.unassignedDevices[]


  • Returns result.topology.areas[n].lines[n1].devices[]

result.getDeviceByKey(key, value)

  • Returns an array of matching elements of result.topology.areas[n].lines[n1].devices[]


  • Returns result.buildings[]

result.getBuildingPartByKey(key, value)

  • Returns an array of matching elements of result.buildings[]


  • Returns result.buildings[n].functions[]

result.getFunctionByKey(key, value)

  • Return an array of matching elements of result.buildings[n].functions[]


  • Returns result.groupAddresses[]

result.getGroupAddressByKey(key, value)

  • Returns an array matching elements of result.groupAddresses[0-n].groupAddresses[]


  • Returns result.productLookupTable[]

result.getProductFamilyByKey(key, value)

  • Returns an array of matching elements of result.productLookupTable[]


  • Returns result.productLookupTable[n].products[] with a modification:
    • Every product contained in the returned array got an extra field:
      • which represents the result.productLookupTable[n] object the product was originally contained in
      • NOTE that the .products field of the .productFamilyInformation field is deleted

result.getProductByKey(key, value)

  • Returns result.productLookupTable[n].products
    • All elements are altered as described above (result.getProducts())


  • Returns result.manufacturerLookupTable[]

result.getManufacturerByKey(key, value)

  • Returns an array of matching elements of result.manufacturerLookupTable[]


  • Returns result.datapointLookupTable[]

result.getDatapointTypeByKey(key, value)

  • Returns an array of matching elements of result.datapointLookupTable[]


  • Returns result.datapointLookupTable[n].datapointSubtypes[]

result.getDatapointSubTypeByKey(key, value)

  • Returns an array of matching elements of result.datapointLookupTable[n].datapointSubtypes[]


  • Returns result.mediumTypeLookupTable[]

result.getMediumTypeByKey(key, value)

  • Returns an array of matching elements of result.mediumTypeLookupTable[]


  • Returns result.deviceApplicationLookupTable

result.getDeviceApplicationInformationByKey(key, value)

  • Returns an array of matching elements of result.deviceApplicationLookupTable


  • Writes the parsed project (result) into outputFilePath in JSON format
  • Functions are obviously not written into that file

Import a parsed project

  • An exported parsed project (in JSON format) can be imported like this:
    import readProject from './readProjectFromJson'
    let result = await readProject(pathToExportedParsedProject).catch(e => {
  • pathToExportedParsedProject is a path a parsed exported project (a file written by result.exportToJson())
  • The returned value result is a promise that resolves into the same structure as the result structure returned from the parser (see above)


  • An example can be found in test.js
  • It contains the initialization of the parser, how to use it and how to work with the parsed project
  • To run the test/example:
    yarn test path/to/knx/project/file.knxproj 


ETS5 Project File Parser for NodeJS







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