- Import the parser
import etsProjParser from './etsProjParser'
- Initialize the parser
const retVal = await etsProjParser(pathToProjectFile, pathToWorkdir)
- The initialization process mainly consists of the unpacking of the project
- ETS-Project files are simple ZIP files containing XML files
is the path of the ETS-Project filepathToWorkdir
is the path to the directory the project will be unpacked to- The directory can be deleted after parsing is done - It should be deleted before parsing another project
- Check if the initialization succeeded
- If everything went fine,
will be the parser-function - On error,
will be an object of theError
if (retVal.constructor === Error) {
- Start the actual parsing project
const result = await retVal(parseDeviceApplicationInformation)
) enables/disables parsing information about the applications running on KNX devices (Seeresult.deviceApplicationLookupTable
)- NOTE that it can take more than 30 seconds for bigger projects
- Check if parsing the project succeeded
if (result.constructor === Error) {
is the result returned from the parser- All the values below are example values
result = {
projectInformation: {
ID: "P-05A5",
name: "ProjectXYZ",
groupAddressStyle: "ThreeLevel",
deviceCount: 33,
lastModified: "1998-02-17T15:22:02.1918306Z",
lastUsedPuid: 1234,
GUID: "11c2cac3-4ab4-4548-8661-667a6c387cd9",
completionStatus: "Editing",
projectStart: "1996-06-18T22:22:42Z",
etsVersion: {
application: "ETS5",
version: "5.4.953"
topology: {
areas: [
..., {
ID: "P-05A5-0_A-1",
name: "AreaABC",
address: "1",
lines: [
..., {
ID: "P-05A5-0_L-1",
name: "Line123",
address: "1.0",
__referenceIDs: {
mediumTypeRefID: "MT-0"
devices: [
..., {
ID: "P-05A5-0_DI-20",
name: "DeviceDEF",
description: "Is Green",
address: "1.0.13",
isCommunicationVisibilityCalculated: true,
programmingStatus: {
serialNumber: "ABCDEFGH",
applicationProgramLoaded: true,
communicationPartLoaded: true,
individualAddressLoaded: true,
parametersLoaded: true,
mediumConfigLoaded: true,
lastUsedAPDULength: 40,
maxReadAPDULength: 55,
lastModified: "2009-01-24T20:25:11.7929688Z",
lastDownload: "2010-12-24T22:30:00.7929688Z"
communicationObjectReferences: [
..., {
__communicationObjectRefID: "M-0002_A-A062-11-180E_O-11_R-1426",
description: "XYZ",
readFlag: true,
transmitFlag: false,
updateFlag: true,
writeFlag: true,
isActive: true,
channelID: "",
connectors: [
..., {
send: [
..., {
__groupAddressRefID: "P-05A5-0_GA-17"
}, ...
receive: [
..., {
__groupAddressRefID: "P-05A5-0_GA-110"
}, ...
}, ...
}, ...
parameterReferences: [
..., {
__parameterRefID: "M-0002_A-A05C-32-3F16_P-24515_R-24515",
parameterValue: "1"
}, ...
security: {
sequenceNumber: 0,
sequenceNumberTimestamp: "2011-02-29T18:03:03.0102982Z"
__referenceIDs: {
productRefID: "M-0002_H-2CDG.20110.2011…CDG.20110.20113.20R0011",
hardware2ProgramRefID: "M-0002_H-2CDG.20110.2011…R0011-1_HP-A05C-32-3F16"
}, ...
}, ...
}, ...
unassignedDevices: [
..., contains the same type of objects as devices[], ...
buildings: [
..., {
ID: "P-02A1-0_BP-1",
name: "Building123",
type: "Building",
deviceReferences: [
..., {
__deviceRefID: "P-02A1-0_DI-1"
}, ...
functions: [
..., {
ID: "P-02A1-0_F-1",
name: "FunctionABC",
type: "SwitchableLight",
groupAddressReferences: [
..., {
ID: "P-02A1-0_GF-5",
name: "GAReference123",
__groupAddressRefID: "P-02A1-0_GA-5"
}, ...
}, ...
buildingParts: [
..., same type as the contents of buildings[] buf with another type, ...
}, ...
groupAddresses: {
groupRanges: [
..., {
ID: "P-02A1-0_GR-1",
name: "New main group",
rangeStart: 1,
rangeEnd: 2047,
passTroughLineCoupler: true,
groupRanges: [
..., GARanges can contain other GARanges, ...
groupAddresses: [
..., {
ID: "P-02A1-0_GA-1",
name: "GAName123",
address: 1,
description: "GroupAddressOfABC",
datapointType: "DPST-1-1",
passTroughLineCoupler: true,
centralFlag: false
}, ...
}, ...
productLookupTable: [
..., {
ID: "M-0002_H-2CDG.20110.20152.20R0011-1",
name: "SA/S4.6.1.1",
busCurrent: 12,
serialNumber: "2CDG 110 152 R0011",
flags: {
isAccessory: false
isPowerSupply: false
isChoke: false
isCoupler: false
isPowerLineRepeater: false
isPowerLineSignalFilter: false
isCable: false
isIPEnabled: false
hasApplicationProgram1: true
hasApplicationProgram2: false
hasIndividualAddress: true
noDownloadWithoutPlugin: false
products: [
..., {
ID: "M-0002_H-2CDG.20110.20152.20R0011-1_P-2CDG.20110.20152.20R0011",
text: "SA/S4.6.1.1 Switch Actuator,4-fold,6A,MDRC",
orderNumber: "2CDG 110 152 R0011",
visibleDescription: "ProductDescriptionABC"
}, ...
__referenceIDs: {
originalManufacturerID: "M-00C5",
manufacturerID: "M-00C8",
applicationProgramRefID: "M-0083_A-000D-11-501B"
}, ...
manufacturerLookupTable: [
..., {
ID: "M-0001",
KNXmanufacturerID: "1",
manufacturerName: "Siemens"
}, ...
datapointLookupTable: [
..., {
ID: "DPT-1",
dptNumber: 1,
dptName: "1.xxx",
dptText: "1-bit",
dptSizeInBit: 1,
datapointSubtypes: [
..., {
ID: "DPST-1-1",
subDptNumber: 1,
subDptName: "DPT_Switch",
subDptText: "switch"
}, ...
}, ...
mediumTypeLookupTable: [
..., {
ID: "MT-1",
number: 1,
name: "PL",
text: "PowerLine",
domainAddressLength: 8
}, ...
deviceApplicationLookupTable: [
..., {
ID: "M-0002_A-A088-32-C0B5",
name: "Switch 4f 6A/3.2b",
number: 41096,
version: "50",
programType: "ApplicationProgram",
maskVersion: "MV-0701",
__manufacturerRefID: "M-0002"
}, ...
deviceMaskversionLookupTable: [
..., {
ID: "MV-0010",
maskVersion: 16,
managementModel: "Bcu1",
unloadedIndividualAddress: 65280,
maxIndividualAddress: 32767,
maxGroupAddress: 4095,
__mediumTypeRefID: "MT-0",
__otherMediumTypeRefID: "MT-1",
resources: [
..., {
name: "ManagementStyle",
access: "remote local1",
addressSpace: "StandardMemory",
startAddress: 1,
ptrResource: "GroupObjectTablePtr",
interfaceObjectRef: 2,
propertyID: 5,
occurrence: 1,
length: 2,
flavour: "GroupObjectTable_Bcu11",
readRights: "Runtime",
writeRights: "Configuration"
}, ...
compatibleMaskVersionIDs: [
..., "MV-0910", ...
}, ...
// Functions
getProjectInformation: Function,
getAreas: Function,
getAreaByKey: Function,
getLines: Function,
getLineByKey: Function,
getUnassignedDevices: Function,
getUnassignedDeviceByKey: Function,
getDevices: Function,
getDeviceByKey: Function,
getBuildingParts: Function,
getBuildingPartByKey: Function,
getFunctions: Function,
getFunctionByKey: Function,
getGroupAddresses: Function,
getGroupAddressByKey: Function,
getProductsFamilies: Function,
getProductFamilyByKey: Function,
getProducts: Function,
getProductByKey: Function,
getManufacturers: Function,
getManufacturerByKey: Function,
getDatapointTypes: Function,
getDatapointTypeByKey: Function,
getDatapointSubTypes: Function,
getDatapointSubTypeByKey: Function,
getMediumTypes: Function,
gedMediumTypeByKey: Function,
getDeviceApplicationInformation: Function,
getDeviceApplicationInformationByKey: Function,
getMaskversions: Function,
getMaskversionByKey: Function,
exportToJson: Function
- Single objects of the structure (above) are explained here
- Some objects lack explanation, due to missing information
- Normally, a whole tree is contained in one section below. But there are some exceptions, like the topology tree, that are split up because they are to complex for one section
- It contains general information about the project parsed from the project information file
- This file is contained in the project directory inside the unpacked project:
stores the id of the project (String
). Same name as the project directory inside the unpacked project. Normal format:
"P-####" Where '#' is replaced with other characters or numbers
stores the name of the project. (String
stores the group address representation style used in the project (String
). Possible values:
"Free" No preferred group address representation is set (both x/y and x/y/z) "TwoLevel" Group addresses are represented in two-level-style (only x/y) "ThreeLevel" Group addresses are represented in three-level-style (only x/y/z)
stores the number of devices contained in the project (Number
stores a date string representing the date the project was last modified (String
... (Number
... (String
stores the completion status of the project (String
). Possible values:
"FinishedDesign" "Locked" "Accepted" "Tested" "FinishedCommissioning" "Editing" "Unknown"
stores a date string representing the starting date of the project (String
stores information about the used version of ETS.application
store the name of the used application (String
). Normally one of:
"ETS5" For all variations of ETS five "ETS4" For all variations of ETS four
stores the more precise sub-version of the ETS version used (String
- This file is contained in the project directory inside the unpacked project:
- It contains the project topology which contains all areas, lines and devices with their attributes stored in relation to each other
stores information about all areas contained in the project
- It contains devices that aren't designated to any area (and line)
- The device objects contained in it are the same as those in
(see below)
- (Described below is a single element of
) .ID
stores the ID of the area (String
). Normally like:"[PROJECT_ID]-n_A-x"
is the ID of the project (seeresult.projectInformation.ID
some numberA
stands for "A
is the area index, starting for one
stores the name of the area (String
stores the ares part of the individual address of a device (String
is the area part- < 4²
stores all line contained in the area
- (Described below is a single element of
) .ID
stores the ID of the line (String
). Normally like:"[PROJECT_ID]-n_L-x"
is the ID of the project (seeprojectInformation.ID
some numberL
stands for "L
is the line index, starting for one
store the name of the line (String
stores the area and the line part of the individual address of a device (String
is the line part- < 4²
contains IDs referencing other objects.mediumTypeRefID
stores the reference ID of the used physical medium (String
). Can be resolved using:
result.getMediumTypeByKey('ID', .mediumTypeRefID)
stores all devices contained in the line
- (Described below is a single element of
) .ID
stores the ID of the device (String
). Normally like:"[PROJECT_ID]-n_DI-x"
is the ID of the project (seeprojectInformation.ID
some numberDI
stands for "D
evice" (forget about theI
is the device index
stores the whole individual address of a device (String
is the device part- < 8²
stores device-programming related information.serialNumber
Stores the serial number of the device (String
) Possible values:
true The application program is loaded onto the device false The application program is not loaded onto the device
) Possible values:
true The communication part is loaded onto the device false The communication part is not loaded onto the device
) Possible values:
true The individual address is loaded onto the device false The individual address is not loaded onto the device
) Possible values:
true The application parameters are loaded onto the device false The application parameters are not loaded onto the device
) Possible values:
true The medium config is loaded onto the device false The medium config is not loaded onto the device
) ....maxReadAPDULength
) ....lastModified
) stores the date of the last time the devices programming was changed.lastDownload
) stores the data of the last time something was written to the device
) stores the date of the origin of the sequenceNumber
) stores the reference to the product/hardware this device is. Can be resolved with:result.getProductByKey('ID', .productRefID)
) stores the reference to the application running on this device
explained below.communicationObjectReferences[]
explained below
- (Described below is a single element of
) - It stores information about device parameters/settings
) stores the ID of the referenced parameter- No parameter reference resolving supported
stores the value of the referenced parameter- No static type can be determined
- (Described below is a single element of
) - A communication object is an object that describes how and with whom the device communicates linked to a specific property of the device
- It also contains the group addresses used and the read, transmit and update flag of the property
- It is the data behind 'Group Objects' tab of a device in ETS
) stores the ID of the referenced communication object.description
) stores the description.readFlag
) if the object is readable or noht.transmitFlag
) if the object is transmittable (?) or not.updateFlag
) if the object is updateable (?) or not.writeFlag
) if the object is writable or not.isActive
) if the object is active or not.channelID
) ....connectors
stores information about where data is sent to and where data will be received from.send[]
stores group addresses to which data will be sent to.__groupAddressRefID
) stores the ID of the referenced group address
stores group addresses from which data will be received.__groupAddressRedID
) stores the ID of the referenced group address
- (Described below is a single element of
) - It contains all buildings, building parts, devices and functions of the project stored in relation to each other
- It is important to notice that a building is technically a building part like a floor, a stairway, ...
) stores the ID of the building part"[PROJECT_ID]-n_BP-x"
is the ID of the project (seeprojectInformation.ID
some numberBP
stands forB
is the buildings index
) the name of the building part.type
) the type of the building part. Normally one of:"Building" "BuildingPart" "Room" "DistributionBoard" "Floor" "Stairway"
) stores the ID of the referenced device. Can be resolved with:
result.getDeviceByKey('ID', .__deviceRefID)
) the ID of the function"[PROJECT_ID]-n_F-x"
is the ID of the project (seeprojectInformation.ID
some numberF
stands forF
is the functions index
) stores the name of the function.type
) stores the type of the function. Normally one of:"DimmableLight" "SwitchableLight" "SunProtection" "HeatingRadiator" "HeatingFloor" "Custom"
) stores the ID of the group address reference"P-02A1-0_GF-5"
) stores the name of the GAF.role
) stores the role of the GAF. Examples:"SwitchOnOff" "RelativeSetvalueControl" "ActualDimmingValue" "InfoOnOff"
) stores the ID of the referenced GroupAddress. Can be resolved with:result.getGroupAddressByKey('ID', .__groupAddressRefID)
stores more building parts ("recursive")
- (Described below is a single element of
) - Contains a structure of GroupRanges which contain GroupAddresses
) stores the ID of the GroupRange"[PROJECT_ID]-n_GR-x"
is the ID of the project (seeprojectInformation.ID
some numberGR
stands forG
is the group ranges index
) stores the name of the GroupRange.rangeStart
) stores the start group address of the range.rangeEnd
) stores the end group address of the range.passTroughLineCoupler
) Possible values:true Messages with group addresses in this range will be passed trough a line coupler false Messages with group addresses in this range won't be passed trough a line coupler
) stores the ID of the GroupAddress"[PROJECT_ID]-n_GA-x"
is the ID of the project (seeprojectInformation.ID
some numberGA
stands forG
is the group addresses index
) stores the name of the GroupAddress.address
) stores the actual GroupAddress.description
) stores the description of the GroupAddress.datapointType
) stores the datapoint type ID associated with this address.- There are two possible
DPT-n DPST-n-n1
stands forD
is the number of the datapoint typen1
is the number of the datapoint sub-type
result.getDatapointTypeByKey('ID', .datapointType)
- The first variation can be resolved with:
result.getDatapointType('ID', .datapointType)
- ... and the second one can be resolved with:
result.getDatapointSubTypeByKey('ID', .datapointType)
- There are two possible
) Possible values:true Messages with group addresses in this range will be passed trough a line coupler false Messages with group addresses in this range won't be passed trough a line coupler
- If
is set in the GroupRange above, it is inherited from it
- If
) ...
- (Described below is a single element of
) - It contains product families containing products
) stores the ID of the product family"[MANUFACTURER_ID]_[PRODUCT/MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC]" Example: "M-0002_H-2CDG.20110.20152.20R0011-1"
- For information about MANUFACTURER_IDs, see
- For information about MANUFACTURER_IDs, see
) stores the name of the product family.busCurrent
) ....serialNumber
) stores the serial number of the product family.flags
) One of:true All devices in this family can't be programmed without using a manufacturer specific plugin false All devices in this family can be programmed the normal way
Contains the actual products contained in the product family.ID
) stores the ID of the product- Same structure as the
field of the overlaying product family, but with more data appended to it
- Same structure as the
) stores a short name-like description of the product.orderNumber
) ....visibleDescription
) stores a description of the product
) stores the ID of the manufacturer who originally produced this product.manufacturerID
) stores the ID of the manufacturer who sold this product.applicationProgramRefID
) the ID of the application program used for this product family.originalManufacturerID
can be resolved with:result.getManufacturerByKey('ID', .originalManufacturerID or .manufacturerID)
can be resolved with:result.getDeviceApplicationInformationByKey('ID', .applicationProgramRefID)
- (Described below is a single element of
) - It contains information about KNX device manufacturers
) stores the ID of the manufacturer"M-0001"
standing for "M
being the manufacturer ID, this one standing for Siemens
) being the KNX manufacturer number/ID.manufacturerName
) stores the name of the manufacturer
- (Described below is a single element of
) - It contains information about datapoint types and their sub-types
) stores the ID of the datapoint type"DPT-1"
stands for "D
is the ID/number of the DPT
) stores the number of this DPT.dptName
) stores the name of this DPT.dptText
) stores a short describing string about this DPT.dptSizeInBit
) stores the size of the data transmitted labeled with this DPT.datapointSubtypes
) stores the ID of the datapoint sub-type"DPST-1-1"
stand forD
is the ID/number of the DPT1
is the ID/number of the DPST
) stores the number of the DPST.subDptName
) stores the name of the DPST.subDptText
) stores a short describing string about this DPST
- (Described below is a single element of
) - It contains information about physical KNX mediums
) stores the ID of the KNX medium"MT-1"
stands forM
is the MT number
) stores the number of the MT.name
) stores the name of the MT.text
) stores a short describing string about this MT.domainAddressLength
) ...
- (Described below is a single element of
) - It contains information about device application programs
) stores the ID of the device application program.name
) stores the name of the DAP.number
) stores the DAP number (also stored on the KNX device).version
) stores the version of the DAP (-||-).programType
) stores a string describing the type of the DAP. Possible values:...
) stores the mask version for the application program.__manufacturerRefID
) stores the ID of the manufacturer of the device family this application program should run on. Can be resolved with:result.getManufacturerByKey('ID', .__manufacturerRefID)
- (Described below is a single element of
stand forM
represents the maskversion number in hex (see.maskVersion
) stores the ID of the device maskversion.name
) stores the name of the maskversion.maskVersion
) the number of the maskversion.managementModel
) stores the management model of this maskversion. Some examples:"None" "Bcu1" "Bcu2" "PropertyBased" "BimM112" "SystemB"
) stores the individual address the device would use when it isn't programmed to use another address.maxIndividualAddress
) stores the highest individual address usable with devices (device applications) with this maskversion.maxGroupAddress
) stores the highest group address usable with devices (device applications) with this maskversion.__mediumTypeRefID
) stores the reference ID of the medium type device applications with this maskversion can run on.__otherMediumTypeRefIDs
) stores a reference ID of an alternative medium type.compatibleMaskVersionIDs[]
) stores strings (like.__mediumTypeRefID
(Described below is a single element of result.deviceMaskversionLookupTable.resources
- A resource describes a resource available on KNX devices with the corresponding maskversion
- Normally, the resource is a value than can be read/written from/to the device like the
resource, which can be read to check if the device is in programming mode. It can also be set into programming mode by writing a value to the resource - There are (mostly) two ways of accessing a resource:
- Via direct memory reading/writing - for this
must be given - Via property read/write requests - for this
- Via direct memory reading/writing - for this
- Normally, the resource is a value than can be read/written from/to the device like the
) stores the name of the resource.access
) stores a string describing how/from where the resource is accessible. Examples:"remote local1" "remote local2" "local1" "remote local1 local2"
) stores a string describing describing in which address space the resource is stored on the KNX device. Normally one of:"SystemProperty" "StandardMemory" "RelativeMemory" "RelativeMemoryByObjectType" "Pointer" "Property" "LcFilterMemory" "Constant" "ADC" "None"
) stores the address of the first byte to read when using direct memory access.ptrResource
) stores the name of the resource that points to this resource- Will only be set if
- Usually one of:
"GroupAddressTablePtr" "GroupAssociationTablePtr" "GroupObjectTablePtr"
- Will only be set if
) ....propertyID
) stores the property ID when using property based access.length
) stores the length of the resource, independent from the method used to access the resource.flavour
) stores the flavour/type of the resource. (Usually) one of:"AddressTable_Bcu1", "AddressTable_Bcu1PL", "AddressTable_SystemB" "AssociationTable_Bcu1" "AssociationTable_Bcu2" "AssociationTable_M112" "AssociationTable_SysteB" "FrequencyChannel_Bcu1PL" "GroupObjectTable_Bcu10" "GroupObjectTable_Bcu11" "GroupObjectTable_Bcu1PL" "GroupObjectTable_Bcu2" "GroupObjectTable_M112" "GroupObjectTable_System300" "GroupObjectTable_SystemB" "HardwareConfig_Identical" "HardwareConfig_Version" "Lc_10" "Lc_11" "Lc_12" "LoadControl_Bcu2" "LoadControl_M112" "ManagementStyle_Bcu2" "PeiType_Adc" "PeiType_Prop" "PlMc" "ProgrammingMode_Bcu1" "ProgrammingMode_Prop" "Ptr_StandardMemory" "Ptr_StandardMemory100" "ReConfig_Bcu1PL" "ReConfig_Rf" "RunControl_Bcu1" "Runerror_Bcu1" "Sensitivity_Bcu1PL" "Stamp_SystemB" "Voltage_Adc"
) stores a string describing the "situation" in which the resource can be read. Examples:"Configuration" "None" "Runtime"
) stores a string describing the "situation" in which the resource can be written. Examples:"Configuration" "None" "Runtime"
- For information on the returned values, see above
- Function of this type (see below) are used to get an element which matches the key-value pair
let a = [ { b: 1, c: 2, e: 5 }, { b: { c: 3 }, e: 5 }, { d: 4, e: 5 } ] // If there would be a function result.getAByKey() // result.getAByKey('b', 1) would return [{b: 1, c: 2, e: 5}] // result.getAByKey(['b', 'c'], 3) would return [{b: { c: 3 }, e: 5}] // result.getAByKey('e', 5) would return all members of the array a
- Returns
- Returns
- Returns an array of matching elements of
- Returns
- Returns an array of matching elements of
- Returns
- Returns an array of matching elements of
- Returns
- Returns an array of matching elements of
- Returns
- Returns an array of matching elements of
- Returns
- Return an array of matching elements of
- Returns
- Returns an array matching elements of
- Returns
- Returns an array of matching elements of
- Returns
with a modification:- Every product contained in the returned array got an extra field:
- which represents the
object the product was originally contained in - NOTE that the
field of the.productFamilyInformation
field is deleted
- which represents the
- Every product contained in the returned array got an extra field:
- Returns
- All elements are altered as described above (
- All elements are altered as described above (
- Returns
- Returns an array of matching elements of
- Returns
- Returns an array of matching elements of
- Returns
- Returns an array of matching elements of
- Returns
- Returns an array of matching elements of
- Returns
- Returns an array of matching elements of
- Writes the parsed project (
) intooutputFilePath
in JSON format - Functions are obviously not written into that file
- An exported parsed project (in JSON format) can be imported like this:
import readProject from './readProjectFromJson' let result = await readProject(pathToExportedParsedProject).catch(e => { ... })
is a path a parsed exported project (a file written byresult.exportToJson()
)- The returned value
is a promise that resolves into the same structure as theresult
structure returned from the parser (see above)
- An example can be found in
- It contains the initialization of the parser, how to use it and how to work with the parsed project
- To run the test/example:
yarn test path/to/knx/project/file.knxproj