Amanda's amazing birthday app
- All content is licensed under a CCBYNCSA 4.0 license.
- All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact [email protected].
The birthdays app allows users to add and store a list of birthdays. The app will also tell the user, how many of their firends birthdays have birthdays left this year from the current date.
- Link to app:
- Link to API repo:
- Link to deployed backend:
- Bootstrap
- Jquery
- Handlebars
- Javascript
- Ruby on Rails
- As a user, I want to be able to create an account on the Birthday App with a username.
- As a user, I want to be able to create a password associated to my account so that no one else can see my birthdays I created.
- As a user, I want to be able to sign into the Birthday App with the username and password I created.
- As a user, I want to be able to log out of the Birthday App when I am finished so that others using the same computer cannot access the account without my knowledge.
- As a user, after I've pressed button, I want to see all the birthdays tied to my account so that I can see all my friend's birthdays at once.
- As a user, I want to be able to add new birthdays to my account so that I can continue to grow my birthday list.
- As a user, I want to be able to update a birthday so that I can correct any mistakes I have made.
- As a user, I want to be able to delete a birthday so that I don't have to remember someone's birthday I am not friends with anymore.
- As a user, I want to know how many birthdays I have remaining in the year, so that I can budget properly for gifts.
- Converting the birthday to a user friendly display. For example, January 1st, 2001 instead of 2001-01-01
- Clicking the number of birthday remaining in the year, displays a modal with a list of whose birthday qualifies.
Development steps:
- Set up authentication backend
- Test authetnicaiton backend
- Set up authentication front end
- Test authetnication front end w/backend
- Set up brithdays backend
- Set up CRUD actions
- Test birthdays CRUD actions w/Curl
- Set up front end for birthday CRUD
- Enhancements
For the tic-tac-toe project, my front end was really basic and was lacking in "prettiness". For this project, I really wanted to dive more into bootstrap and utilize bootstrap to increase the readability of my page.
In addition, I didn't get to do much with array iteration methods in the tic-tac-toe projects. For this project, I wanted to design a user feature where I would have to interate over the birthdays object and display some type of useful information to the user. I did this by displaying how many birthdays the user has left this year.