Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard School of Public Health
- Boston
Dimensionality reduction and batch integration methods for single cell data
Scripts and resources to create Hetionet v1.0, a heterogeneous network for drug repurposing
Spatial factor analysis: a tool for decomposing species density into a small number of latent maps
Google Cloud Platform BigTable back end for MultiAssayExperiment (experimental)
Did you ever wish you could make scatter plots with cat shaped points? Now you can!
vjcitn / cgcR
Forked from teamcgc/cgcRscratch repository for creating and sharing
Repository for the NCI Cloud Pilot Workshop on May 24-25, 2016
A catalogue of docker images for NGS data analysis tools
A framework for analysing public domain cancer cell line data and integrating it with proprietary compound screening data
R package(s) demonstrating management of multiassay data on a set of samples
IQSS Data Science Services workshop materials
An interactive tool for the unsupervised clustering of cells from single cell RNA-Seq experiments.
Bayesian Consensus Clustering, packaged up from code by Eric F. Lock
Modeling and correcting fragment sequence bias for RNA-seq
Using R and Bioconductor packages for the analysis and comprehension of proteomics data.
go directly to https://github.com/ttriche/biocMultiQc2015/blob/master/vignettes/multiAssay.Rmd