Microsoft Visual Studio SOLution Validation console tool and parsing library written in Rust
homebrew (only on macOS and Linux for now):
Add my tap (do it once):
brew tap aegoroff/tap
And then install solv:
brew install solv
Update solv if already installed:
brew upgrade solv
scoop bucket add aegoroff
scoop install solv
AUR (Arch Linux User Repository):
install binary package:
yay -S solv-bin
or if yay reports that package not found force updating repo info
yay -Syyu solv-bin
install using cargo so builiding on target machine:
yay -S solv
or if yay reports that package not found force updating repo info
yay -Syyu solv
Download the pre-compiled binaries from the releases and copy to the desired location. RPM and DEB packages are available to install under RedHat or Debian based Linux distros.
install deb package on Arch Linux:
- Install debtap from AUR using yay:
yay -S debtap
- Create equivalent package using debtap:
sudo debtap -u
debtap solv_x.x.x_amd64.deb
- Install using pacman:
sudo pacman -U solv-x.x.x-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst