Minit helps you build Montage applications by generating template applications and components for you.
Run minit
with your chosen template inside the directory you wish to create the template in. Templates such as "component" will search for a package.json
and place their generated files in the correct directory underneath it, in this case ui/
Run minit --help
for details of the templates available and their usages. The templates are defined in the templates directory.
~$ minit --help
Usage: minit [options] [command]
create:app [options]
create:component [options]
create:package [options]
create:package-json [options]
create:test [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
~$ minit create:app --help
Usage: create:app [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-n, --name <name> application name
-p, --package-home [path] package home
-d, --destination [path] where the template will be expanded relative to the package-home
-c, --copyright [path] copyright file
~$ minit create:app --help
Usage: create:package [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-n, --name <name> package name
-p, --package-home [path] package home
-d, --destination [path] where the template will be expanded relative to the package-home
-c, --copyright [path] copyright file
~$ minit create:component --help
Usage: create:component [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-n, --name <name> module name
-p, --package-home [path] package home
-d, --destination [path] where the template will be expanded relative to the package-home
-e, --exported-name [name] exported name
-j, --jsdoc [module] jsdoc module
-c, --copyright [path] copyright file
~$ minit create:package-json --help
Usage: create:package-json [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-n, --name <name> package name
-p, --package-home [path] package home
-d, --destination [path] where the template will be expanded relative to the package-home
-a, --author [name] author
-m, --montage-path [name] path to montage
~$ minit create:test --help
Usage: create:test [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-n, --name <name> module name
-p, --package-home [path] package home
-d, --destination [path] where the template will be expanded relative to the package-home
-t, --title [name] title of the test
The minit package exports a create function that accepts a template name and an options object. The available options are the same as the command line options except that the key are camel cased (--package-home becomes packageHome). The create function returns a promise.
var minitCreate = require("minit").create;
minitCreate(templateName, options).done();