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@github-actions github-actions released this 09 Sep 13:17
· 18 commits to main since this release

KiteSimulators v0.4.0

Diff since v0.3.13


  • the build script now only installs matplotlib if it is not yet installed on the system
  • improved the example joystick.jl and its documentation
  • bump KiteControllers to 0.2.10
  • bump KiteModels to 0.6.6
    A new kite model (KPS4_3L) was added, that uses three winches at the ground to steer the kite.
    The new variant (version 3) of the KPS4 kite model allows to define polars that do not depend on the steering input, which makes it easier to define new kites.
  • bump KitePodModels to 0.3.3
    A simplified KitePodModel was added with a linear relationship between depower setting and depower angle, which makes it easier to define new KCUs.


  • a new, torque controlled winch model
  • you can now define the diameter and the aerodynamic drag coefficient of the KCU
  • plot aerodynamics


  • changes of the polars had no effect
  • changes of max_steering had no effect


  • the function next_step! now requires either the parameter set_speed, which replaces v_ro, or the parameter set_torque, depending on the question if you use the AsynchGenerator or TorqueControlledWinch in the settings
  • the function init_sim has the new parameter delta. It should be between 0.0 and 0.03 and defines the pre-tension of the tether. The parameter stiffness_factor should be between 0.1 and 1.0 and not longer smaller than 0.1.
  • the constructor FPCSettings now requires the named parameter dt
  • the constructor SystemStateControl now requires the named parameter u_d0 and u_d

Closed issues:

  • Improve the joystick.jl example (#21)