whisper.cpp Public
Forked from ggerganov/whisper.cpp(C/C++ port of OpenAI's Whisper model.) This fork includes a zsh shell script that converts an audio/video file into 16-bit .wav format and edits the output .txt file. (See transcribeCpp.zsh.) It a…
C MIT License UpdatedApr 14, 2024 -
SentimentArcsPackage Public
A Python package with the core SentimentArcs ensemble functionality, built for use on the SentimentArcs website. **Rough draft; development in progress**
FifthGradeLearningGame Public
Our Software and System Design project: a learning game website made for and with a class of local fifth graders
PHP UpdatedJan 29, 2024 -
chun_sentimentarcs_notebooks_2024 Public
Forked from jon-chun/sentimentarcs_notebooksSentimentArcs: a large ensemble of dozens of sentiment analysis models to analyze emotion in text over time
ArtGalleryProject Public
A interface for leaving, viewing, and rating comments about artworks on display at the Gund Gallery. Includes a moderation portal for gallery staff to remove & pin comments and add/remove artworks.
C++ UpdatedJun 30, 2023 -
PhoneBookPython Public
Forked from jimskon/PhoneBookPythonCommented version of jimskon's SQL database and a web interface python example
Python UpdatedMar 29, 2022