This package provides a library and a protocol to create slugs for given strings.
By default, a slug will be containing only chars A-Za-z0-9
and the default seperator -
Want to use this library with Ecto? Have a look at sobolevn/ecto_autoslug_field.
Add slugger
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:slugger, "~> 0.2"},
The following options can be set in your config.exs
and will be used at next compile!
# Char used as separator between words.
config :slugger, separator_char: ?-
# Path to the file containing replacements.
config :slugger, replacement_file: "lib/replacements.exs"
Using the library is straightforward, check out a few examples:
iex(1)> Slugger.slugify " A b C "
iex(2)> Slugger.slugify_downcase " A b C "
iex(3)> Slugger.slugify "A cool title of a blog post"
iex(4)> Slugger.slugify "Wikipedia Style", ?_
iex(5)> Slugger.truncate_slug "A-to-long-slug-that-should-be-truncated", 16
Next to the library, a protocol is provided to ease creating slugs for own data structures.
By default, the protocol will try to run Slugger.slugify(Kernel.to_string(your_data))
, so if your_data
implements String.Chars
, the returned string will be slugified.
If you want to provide your own way to create a slug, check out the following example:
iex(10)> defmodule User do
...(10)> defstruct name: "Julius Beckmann"
...(10)> end
iex(11)> defimpl Slugify, for: User do
...(11)> def slugify(user), do: Slugger.slugify(
...(11)> end
iex(12)> Slugify.slugify %User{}
Special chars like äöüéáÁÉ
will be replaced by rules given in the file lib/replacements.exs.
Copy that file if you need have own replacement rules, change the config value and recompile.