- Bash
- Curl
- jq
- sed
- Execute the comamnd to get an API key:
export API_KEY=`source util/get_api_key.sh ${pds_domain} ${handle} ${app_password}`
- Note Use backquote characters as quotes to get proper result
- Execute any command. Ex.
- Get posts of the specified user:
./get_user_posts.sh ${pds_domain} afternooncurry.net
- Publish a post:
./post_message.sh ${pds_domain} Hello world!
- Get a list of custom feed of the specified user:
./get_user_created_feed_list.sh ${pds_domain} afternooncurry.net
- Get a definition of the specified custom feed:
`./get_custom_feed_definition.sh at://did:plc:a2xwwhapu62gfsy4rdnlxgfy/app.bsky.feed.generator/owls - Get posts of the specified custom feed:
./get_custom_feed_contents.sh ${pds_domain} at://did:plc:a2xwwhapu62gfsy4rdnlxgfy/app.bsky.feed.generator/owls did:web:afternooncurry.com
- Get a specified post:
./get_post.sh ${pds_domain} at://did:plc:a2xwwhapu62gfsy4rdnlxgfy/app.bsky.feed.post/3kmx4s3fm3t2i
- Get posts of the specified user:
Note : API key would be expired soon. Please go back to the step 1 to get new API key.