This is the flutter application for the QR Attendance app. The app allows teachers to generate a dynamic QR based on the details of a class and the students to scan it to confirm their attendance.
File structure
- assets - contains static images used in the project
- lib - contains code for different pages on the app
- homepage which contains form for logging in as a student or teacherlogin_admin.dart
- logic for logging in as a teacherlogin_student.dart
- logic for logging in as a studentclassdetails.dart
- Displays the class details as entered by the teachergenerate.dart
- Generates and displays QR based on class detailsscan.dart
- Allows scanning of the QR code and creates a request at the server for marking attendanceattendance.dart
- Allows students to check their attendance
This repo is only the frontend of the app. Therefore it contains phrases like SERVER ENDPOINT
which are aliases to the original API. This application cannot be run as a standalone flutter app. To get access to the server, please contact the contributors of this project.
Video demoes: