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Vertica Driver 🎉 [ci drivers]
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erp12 authored and camsaul committed Nov 14, 2016
1 parent 04ecc8d commit 77ac6a5
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Showing 10 changed files with 278 additions and 7 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ For more information check out [](
- H2
- Crate
- Oracle
- Vertica

Don't see your favorite database? File an issue to let us know.

Expand Down
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion bin/ci
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,10 @@ node-2() {
run_step lein-test
node-3() {
is_enabled "drivers" && export ENGINES="h2,redshift,druid" || export ENGINES="h2"
is_enabled "drivers" && export ENGINES="h2,redshift,druid,vertica" || export ENGINES="h2"
if is_engine_enabled "vertica"; then
run_step install-vertica
run_step lein-test
node-4() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,6 +73,11 @@ install-mongodb() {
sudo service mongod restart

install-vertica() {
docker run --detach --publish 5433:5433 sumitchawla/vertica
sleep 60

lein-test() {
lein test
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions circle.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ machine:
version: 2.7.3
version: 4.4.7
- docker
- lein deps
Expand All @@ -17,6 +19,7 @@ dependencies:
- mkdir plugins
- wget --output-document=plugins/ojdbc7.jar $ORACLE_JDBC_JAR
- wget --output-document=plugins/vertica-jdbc-7.1.2-0.jar $VERTICA_JDBC_JAR
- "~/.yarn"
- "~/.yarn-cache"
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/administration-guide/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ Now you’ll see a list of your databases. To connect another database to Metaba
* Driud
* Crate
* [Oracle](databases/
* [Vertica](databases/

To add a database, you'll need its connection information.

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/administration-guide/databases/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Before downloading this JAR you may need to sign up for a free account with Orac
### Adding the Oracle JDBC Driver JAR to the Metabase Plugins Directory

Metabase will automatically make the Oracle driver available if it finds the Oracle JDBC driver JAR in the Metabase plugins directory when it starts up.
All you need to do is create the directory and move the JAR you just downloaded into it.
All you need to do is create the directory, move the JAR you just downloaded into it, and restart Metabase.

By default, the plugins directory is called `plugins`, and lives in the same directory as the Metabase JAR.

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39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions docs/administration-guide/databases/
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
## Working with Vertica in Metabase

Starting in v0.20.0, Metabase provides a driver for connecting to Vertica databases. Under the hood, Metabase uses Vertica's JDBC driver;
due to licensing restrictions, we can't include it as part of Metabase. Luckily, downloading it yourself and making it available to Metabase
is straightforward and only takes a few minutes.

### Downloading the Vertica JDBC Driver JAR

You can download the JDBC driver from [Vertica's JDBC driver downloads page](
Head to this page, log in to your account, accept the license agreement, and download `vertica-jdbc-8.0.0-0.jar` (for Vertica DB version 8.0)
or whatever driver version most closely matches the version of Vertica you're running.

It's very important to make sure you use the correct version of the JDBC driver; version
8.0 of the driver won't work with Vertica version 7.2; version 7.2 of the driver won't work with Vertica version 7.1, and so forth. If in doubt,
consult Vertica's documentation to find the correct version of the JDBC driver for your version of Vertica.

### Adding the Vertica JDBC Driver JAR to the Metabase Plugins Directory

Metabase will automatically make the Vertica driver available if it finds the Vertica JDBC driver JAR in the Metabase plugins directory when it starts up.
All you need to do is create the directory, move the JAR you just downloaded into it, and restart Metabase.

By default, the plugins directory is called `plugins`, and lives in the same directory as the Metabase JAR.

For example, if you're running Metabase from a directory called `/app/`, you should move the Vertica JDBC driver JAR to `/app/plugins/`:

# example directory structure for running Metabase with Vertica support

If you're running Metabase from the Mac App, the plugins directory defaults to `~/Library/Application Support/Metabase/Plugins/`:

# example directory structure for running Metabase Mac App with Vertica support
/Users/camsaul/Library/Application Support/Metabase/Plugins/vertica-jdbc-8.0.0-0.jar

Finally, you can choose a custom plugins directory if the default doesn't suit your needs by setting the environment variable `MB_PLUGINS_DIR`.
147 changes: 147 additions & 0 deletions src/metabase/driver/vertica.clj
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@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
(ns metabase.driver.vertica
(:require [ :as jdbc]
(clojure [set :refer [rename-keys], :as set]
[string :as s])
[ :as log]
[honeysql.core :as hsql]
[metabase.driver :as driver]
[metabase.driver.generic-sql :as sql]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.honeysql-extensions :as hx]))

(def ^:private ^:const column->base-type
"Map of Vertica column types -> Field base types.
Add more mappings here as you come across them."
{:Boolean :type/Boolean
:Integer :type/Integer
:Bigint :type/BigInteger
:Varbinary :type/*
:Binary :type/*
:Char :type/Text
:Varchar :type/Text
:Money :type/Decimal
:Numeric :type/Decimal
:Double :type/Decimal
:Float :type/Float
:Date :type/Date
:Time :type/Time
:TimeTz :type/Time
:Timestamp :type/DateTime
:TimestampTz :type/DateTime
:AUTO_INCREMENT :type/Integer
(keyword "Long Varchar") :type/Text
(keyword "Long Varbinary") :type/*})

(defn- vertica-spec [{:keys [host port db make-pool?]
:or {host "localhost", port 5433, db ""}
:as opts}]
(merge {:classname "com.vertica.jdbc.Driver"
:subprotocol "vertica"
:subname (str "//" host ":" port "/" db)}
(dissoc opts :host :port :db :ssl)))

(defn- connection-details->spec [details-map]
(-> details-map
(update :port (fn [port]
(if (string? port)
(Integer/parseInt port)
(rename-keys {:dbname :db})

(defn- unix-timestamp->timestamp [expr seconds-or-milliseconds]
(case seconds-or-milliseconds
:seconds (hsql/call :to_timestamp expr)
:milliseconds (recur (hx// expr 1000) :seconds)))

(defn- date-trunc [unit expr] (hsql/call :date_trunc (hx/literal unit) expr))
(defn- extract [unit expr] (hsql/call :extract unit expr))

(def ^:private extract-integer (comp hx/->integer extract))

(def ^:private ^:const one-day (hsql/raw "INTERVAL '1 day'"))

(defn- date [unit expr]
(case unit
:default expr
:minute (date-trunc :minute expr)
:minute-of-hour (extract-integer :minute expr)
:hour (date-trunc :hour expr)
:hour-of-day (extract-integer :hour expr)
:day (hx/->date expr)
:day-of-week (hx/inc (extract-integer :dow expr))
:day-of-month (extract-integer :day expr)
:day-of-year (extract-integer :doy expr)
:week (hx/- (date-trunc :week (hx/+ expr one-day))
;:week-of-year (extract-integer :week (hx/+ expr one-day))
:week-of-year (hx/week expr)
:month (date-trunc :month expr)
:month-of-year (extract-integer :month expr)
:quarter (date-trunc :quarter expr)
:quarter-of-year (extract-integer :quarter expr)
:year (extract-integer :year expr)))

(defn- date-interval [unit amount]
(hsql/raw (format "(NOW() + INTERVAL '%d %s')" (int amount) (name unit))))

(defn- materialized-views
"Fetch the Materialized Views for a Vertica DATABASE.
These are returned as a set of maps, the same format as `:tables` returned by `describe-database`."
(try (set (jdbc/query (sql/db->jdbc-connection-spec database)
(catch Throwable e
(log/error "Failed to fetch materialized views for this database:" (.getMessage e)))))

(defn- describe-database
"Custom implementation of `describe-database` for Vertica."
[driver database]
(update (sql/describe-database driver database) :tables (u/rpartial set/union (materialized-views database))))

(defn- string-length-fn [field-key]
(hsql/call :char_length (hx/cast :Varchar field-key)))

(defrecord VerticaDriver []
(getName [_] "Vertica"))

(u/strict-extend VerticaDriver
(merge (sql/IDriverSQLDefaultsMixin)
{:date-interval (u/drop-first-arg date-interval)
:describe-database describe-database
:details-fields (constantly [{:name "host"
:display-name "Host"
:default "localhost"}
{:name "port"
:display-name "Port"
:type :integer
:default 5433}
{:name "dbname"
:display-name "Database name"
:placeholder "birds_of_the_word"
:required true}
{:name "user"
:display-name "Database username"
:placeholder "What username do you use to login to the database?"
:required true}
{:name "password"
:display-name "Database password"
:type :password
:placeholder "*******"}])})
(merge (sql/ISQLDriverDefaultsMixin)
{:column->base-type (u/drop-first-arg column->base-type)
:connection-details->spec (u/drop-first-arg connection-details->spec)
:date (u/drop-first-arg date)
:set-timezone-sql (constantly "SET TIME ZONE TO ?;")
:string-length-fn (u/drop-first-arg string-length-fn)
:unix-timestamp->timestamp (u/drop-first-arg unix-timestamp->timestamp)}))

;; only register the Vertica driver if the JDBC driver is available
(when (u/ignore-exceptions
(Class/forName "com.vertica.jdbc.Driver"))
(driver/register-driver! :vertica (VerticaDriver.)))
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/metabase/query_processor_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1450,7 +1450,7 @@
["2015-06-02 08:20:00" 1]
["2015-06-02 11:11:00" 1]]

(contains? #{:redshift :sqlserver :bigquery :mongo :postgres :h2 :oracle} *engine*)
(contains? #{:redshift :sqlserver :bigquery :mongo :postgres :vertica :h2 :oracle} *engine*)
[["2015-06-01T10:31:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T16:06:00.000Z" 1]
["2015-06-01T17:23:00.000Z" 1]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1659,7 +1659,7 @@
(contains? #{:sqlserver :sqlite :crate :oracle} *engine*)
[[23 54] [24 46] [25 39] [26 61]]

(contains? #{:mongo :redshift :bigquery :postgres :h2} *engine*)
(contains? #{:mongo :redshift :bigquery :postgres :vertica :h2} *engine*)
[[23 46] [24 47] [25 40] [26 60] [27 7]]

Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions test/metabase/test/data/oracle.clj
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Expand Up @@ -97,19 +97,20 @@
:expected-base-type->actual (u/drop-first-arg expected-base-type->actual)
:id-field-type (constantly :type/Decimal)}))

(defn- dbspec []
(defn- dbspec [& _]
(sql/connection-details->spec (OracleDriver.) @db-connection-details))

(defn- non-session-schemas
"Return a set of the names of schemas (users) that are not meant for use in this test session (i.e., ones that should be ignored)."
"Return a set of the names of schemas (users) that are not meant for use in this test session (i.e., ones that should be ignored).
(This is used as part of the implementation of `excluded-schemas` for the Oracle driver during tests.)"
(set (map :username (jdbc/query (dbspec) ["SELECT username FROM dba_users WHERE username <> ?" session-schema]))))

;;; Clear out the sesion schema before and after tests run
;; TL;DR Oracle schema == Oracle user. Create new user for session-schema
(def ^:private execute-when-testing-oracle!
(partial generic/execute-when-testing! :oracle (fn [& _] (dbspec))))
(partial generic/execute-when-testing! :oracle dbspec))

(defn- create-session-user!
{:expectations-options :before-run}
Expand Down
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions test/metabase/test/data/vertica.clj
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
"Code for creating / destroying a Vertica database from a `DatabaseDefinition`."
(:require [environ.core :refer [env]]
(metabase.driver [generic-sql :as sql]
( [generic-sql :as generic]
[interface :as i])
[metabase.util :as u])
(:import metabase.driver.vertica.VerticaDriver))

(def ^:private ^:const field-base-type->sql-type
{:type/BigInteger "BIGINT"
:type/Boolean "BOOLEAN"
:type/Char "VARCHAR(254)"
:type/Date "DATE"
:type/DateTime "TIMESTAMP"
:type/Decimal "NUMERIC"
:type/Float "FLOAT"
:type/Integer "INTEGER"
:type/Text "VARCHAR(254)"
:type/Time "TIME"})

(defn- db-name []
(or (env :mb-vertica-db)

(def ^:private db-connection-details
(delay {:host (or (env :mb-vertica-host) "localhost")
:db (db-name)
:port 5433
:timezone :America/Los_Angeles ; why?
:user (or (env :mb-vertica-user) "dbadmin")
:password (env :mb-vertica-password)}))

(defn- qualified-name-components
([_] [(db-name)])
([db-name table-name] ["public" (i/db-qualified-table-name db-name table-name)])
([db-name table-name field-name] ["public" (i/db-qualified-table-name db-name table-name) field-name]))

(u/strict-extend VerticaDriver
(merge generic/DefaultsMixin
{:create-db-sql (constantly nil)
:drop-db-if-exists-sql (constantly nil)
:drop-table-if-exists-sql generic/drop-table-if-exists-cascade-sql
:field-base-type->sql-type (u/drop-first-arg field-base-type->sql-type)
:load-data! generic/load-data-one-at-a-time-parallel!
:pk-sql-type (constantly "INTEGER")
:qualified-name-components (u/drop-first-arg qualified-name-components)
:execute-sql! generic/sequentially-execute-sql!})
(merge generic/IDatasetLoaderMixin
{:database->connection-details (fn [& _] @db-connection-details)
:default-schema (constantly "public")
:engine (constantly :vertica)
:has-questionable-timezone-support? (constantly true)}))

(defn- dbspec [& _]
(sql/connection-details->spec (VerticaDriver.) @db-connection-details))

(defn- set-max-client-sessions!
{:expectations-options :before-run}
;; Close all existing sessions connected to our test DB
(generic/query-when-testing! :vertica dbspec "SELECT CLOSE_ALL_SESSIONS();")
;; Increase the connection limit; the default is 5 or so which causes tests to fail when too many connections are made
(generic/execute-when-testing! :vertica dbspec (format "ALTER DATABASE \"%s\" SET MaxClientSessions = 10000;" (db-name))))

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