Unofficial implementation of "Image Inpainting for Irregular Holes Using Partial Convolutions". Try at:
i3wm Simulator for Win10 using autohotkey
🎮 ⌨ An easy to use tool to change the behaviour of your input devices.'s open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
The Alternative Mod Launcher (AML) is a replacement for the default game launchers from XCOM 2 and XCOM Chimera Squad.
shiftkey / desktop
Forked from desktop/desktopFork of GitHub Desktop to support various Linux distributions
a toolkit to virtually start and interop Systemd as PID1 for Linux Containers
A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
JPvRiel / conky-seamod
Forked from maxiwell/conky-seamodSeamod theme for conky 1.10 (lua config)
A cheatsheet of modern C++ language and library features.
The C++ Core Guidelines are a set of tried-and-true guidelines, rules, and best practices about coding in C++