╔═══════════════════ Hi 👋 I'm Agustín ═══════════════╗
┃ A biologist turning into data science who is passionate about implement
┃ machine learning and AI to make my work slightly better and robust
🦩 /agustinediz
┣━━ 🐍 Proyects
┃ ┣━━ Turdus sex assignation using ML
┃ ┣━━ Future income prediction using ML
┃ ┣━━ Yelp sentiment analysis using NLP methods for business insights and improvements
┃ ┣━━ Development of a recommendation system using a telco database
┗━━ ®️ Proyects
┃ ┣━━ Frugivore corporal condition statistical modelling
┃ ┣━━ Phytogeography map using leaflet
┃ ┗━━ Bootstraps
┗━━ Other Proyects