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Add Decred support (kyuupichan#550)
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* Refactor reorg_hashes function

* Add Decred support
  • Loading branch information
erasmospunk authored and Neil committed Aug 2, 2018
1 parent 898e2ee commit 0815ff8
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Showing 9 changed files with 402 additions and 39 deletions.
63 changes: 61 additions & 2 deletions electrumx/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
from electrumx.lib.hash import HASHX_LEN
from electrumx.lib.script import ScriptPubKey, OpCodes
import electrumx.lib.tx as lib_tx
from electrumx.server.block_processor import BlockProcessor
import electrumx.server.block_processor as block_proc
import electrumx.server.daemon as daemon
from electrumx.server.session import ElectrumX, DashElectrumX

Expand All @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class Coin(object):
DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.Deserializer
DAEMON = daemon.Daemon
BLOCK_PROCESSOR = BlockProcessor
BLOCK_PROCESSOR = block_proc.BlockProcessor
XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes('????', 'utf-8')
XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes('????', 'utf-8')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1676,6 +1676,65 @@ def block_header(cls, block, height):
return deserializer.read_header(height, cls.BASIC_HEADER_SIZE)

class Decred(Coin):
NAME = "Decred"
NET = "mainnet"
XPUB_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("02fda926")
XPRV_VERBYTES = bytes.fromhex("02fda4e8")
P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("073f")
P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("071a")]
WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("230e")
GENESIS_HASH = ('298e5cc3d985bfe7f81dc135f360abe0'
HEADER_HASH = lib_tx.DeserializerDecred.blake256
DESERIALIZER = lib_tx.DeserializerDecred
DAEMON = daemon.DecredDaemon
BLOCK_PROCESSOR = block_proc.DecredBlockProcessor
ENCODE_CHECK = partial(Base58.encode_check,
DECODE_CHECK = partial(Base58.decode_check,
HEADER_UNPACK = struct.Struct('<i32s32s32sH6sHBBIIQIIII32sI').unpack_from
TX_COUNT = 4629388
RPC_PORT = 9109

def header_hash(cls, header):
'''Given a header return the hash.'''
return cls.HEADER_HASH(header)

def block(cls, raw_block, height):
'''Return a Block namedtuple given a raw block and its height.'''
if height > 0:
return super().block(raw_block, height)
return Block(raw_block, cls.block_header(raw_block, height), [])

def electrum_header(cls, header, height):
labels = ('version', 'prev_block_hash', 'merkle_root', 'stake_root',
'vote_bits', 'final_state', 'voters', 'fresh_stake',
'revocations', 'pool_size', 'bits', 'sbits', 'block_height',
'size', 'timestamp', 'nonce', 'extra_data', 'stake_version')
values = cls.HEADER_UNPACK(header)
h = dict(zip(labels, values))

# Convert some values
assert h['block_height'] == height
h['prev_block_hash'] = hash_to_hex_str(h['prev_block_hash'])
h['merkle_root'] = hash_to_hex_str(h['merkle_root'])
h['stake_root'] = hash_to_hex_str(h['stake_root'])
h['final_state'] = h['final_state'].hex()
h['extra_data'] = h['extra_data'].hex()
return h

class Axe(Dash):
NAME = "Axe"
Expand Down
61 changes: 43 additions & 18 deletions electrumx/lib/
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from collections import namedtuple
from struct import pack

from electrumx.lib.hash import sha256, double_sha256, hash_to_hex_str
from electrumx.lib.util import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -428,8 +429,6 @@ class TxInputDcr(namedtuple("TxInput", "prev_hash prev_idx tree sequence")):

def is_coinbase(self):
# The previous output of a coin base must have a max value index and a
# zero hash.
return (self.prev_hash == TxInputDcr.ZERO and
self.prev_idx == TxInputDcr.MINUS_1)

Expand All @@ -440,36 +439,52 @@ def __str__(self):

class TxOutputDcr(namedtuple("TxOutput", "value version pk_script")):
'''Class representing a transaction output.'''
'''Class representing a Decred transaction output.'''

class TxDcr(namedtuple("Tx", "version inputs outputs locktime expiry "
'''Class representing transaction that has a time field.'''
'''Class representing a Decred transaction.'''

def is_coinbase(self):
return self.inputs[0].is_coinbase

class DeserializerDecred(Deserializer):

def blake256(data):
from blake256.blake256 import blake_hash
return blake_hash(data)

def blake256d(data):
from blake256.blake256 import blake_hash
return blake_hash(blake_hash(data))

def read_tx(self):
return self._read_tx_parts(produce_hash=False)[0]

def read_tx_and_hash(self):
tx, tx_hash, vsize = self._read_tx_parts()
return tx, tx_hash

def read_tx_and_vsize(self):
tx, tx_hash, vsize = self._read_tx_parts(produce_hash=False)
return tx, vsize

def read_tx_block(self):
'''Returns a list of (deserialized_tx, tx_hash) pairs.'''
read_tx = self.read_tx
txs = [read_tx() for _ in range(self._read_varint())]
stxs = [read_tx() for _ in range(self._read_varint())]
read = self.read_tx_and_hash
txs = [read() for _ in range(self._read_varint())]
stxs = [read() for _ in range(self._read_varint())]
return txs + stxs

def _read_inputs(self):
read_input = self._read_input
return [read_input() for i in range(self._read_varint())]
def read_tx_tree(self):
'''Returns a list of deserialized_tx without tx hashes.'''
read_tx = self.read_tx
return [read_tx() for _ in range(self._read_varint())]

def _read_input(self):
return TxInputDcr(
Expand All @@ -479,10 +494,6 @@ def _read_input(self):
self._read_le_uint32(), # sequence

def _read_outputs(self):
read_output = self._read_output
return [read_output() for _ in range(self._read_varint())]

def _read_output(self):
return TxOutputDcr(
self._read_le_int64(), # value
Expand All @@ -502,20 +513,34 @@ def _read_witness_field(self):
script = self._read_varbytes()
return value_in, block_height, block_index, script

def read_tx(self):
def _read_tx_parts(self, produce_hash=True):
start = self.cursor
version = self._read_le_int32()
inputs = self._read_inputs()
outputs = self._read_outputs()
locktime = self._read_le_uint32()
expiry = self._read_le_uint32()
no_witness_tx = b'\x01\x00\x01\x00' + self.binary[start+4:self.cursor]
end_prefix = self.cursor
witness = self._read_witness(len(inputs))

# Drop the coinbase-like input from a vote tx as it creates problems
# with UTXOs lookups and mempool management
if inputs[0].is_coinbase and len(inputs) > 1:
inputs = inputs[1:]

if produce_hash:
# TxSerializeNoWitness << 16 == 0x10000
no_witness_header = pack('<I', 0x10000 | (version & 0xffff))
prefix_tx = no_witness_header + self.binary[start+4:end_prefix]
tx_hash = self.blake256(prefix_tx)
tx_hash = None

return TxDcr(
), DeserializerDecred.blake256(no_witness_tx)
), tx_hash, self.cursor - start
27 changes: 21 additions & 6 deletions electrumx/server/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -263,6 +263,16 @@ async def reorg_hashes(self, count):
The hashes are returned in order of increasing height. Start
is the height of the first hash, last of the last.
start, count = self.calc_reorg_range(count)
last = start + count - 1
s = '' if count == 1 else 's''chain was reorganised replacing {count:,d} '
f'block{s} at heights {start:,d}-{last:,d}')

return start, last, self.fs_block_hashes(start, count)

async def calc_reorg_range(self, count):
'''Calculate the reorg range'''

def diff_pos(hashes1, hashes2):
'''Returns the index of the first difference in the hash lists.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,12 +301,7 @@ def diff_pos(hashes1, hashes2):
start = (self.height - count) + 1

last = start + count - 1
s = '' if count == 1 else 's''chain was reorganised replacing {count:,d} '
f'block{s} at heights {start:,d}-{last:,d}')

return start, last, self.fs_block_hashes(start, count)
return start, count

def flush_state(self, batch):
'''Flush chain state to the batch.'''
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -826,3 +831,13 @@ def force_chain_reorg(self, count):
return True
return False

class DecredBlockProcessor(BlockProcessor):
async def calc_reorg_range(self, count):
start, count = super().calc_reorg_range(count)
if start > 0:
# A reorg in Decred can invalidate the previous block
start -= 1
count += 1
return start, count
90 changes: 88 additions & 2 deletions electrumx/server/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,8 +17,10 @@

import aiohttp

from electrumx.lib.util import int_to_varint, hex_to_bytes, class_logger
from electrumx.lib.hash import hex_str_to_hash
from electrumx.lib.util import int_to_varint, hex_to_bytes, class_logger, \
from electrumx.lib.hash import hex_str_to_hash, hash_to_hex_str
from electrumx.lib.tx import DeserializerDecred
from aiorpcx import JSONRPC

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -365,3 +367,87 @@ def timestamp_safe(self, t):
if isinstance(t, int):
return t
return timegm(strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"))

class DecredDaemon(Daemon):
async def raw_blocks(self, hex_hashes):
'''Return the raw binary blocks with the given hex hashes.'''

params_iterable = ((h, False) for h in hex_hashes)
blocks = await self._send_vector('getblock', params_iterable)

raw_blocks = []
valid_tx_tree = {}
for block in blocks:
# Convert to bytes from hex
raw_block = hex_to_bytes(block)
# Check if previous block is valid
prev = self.prev_hex_hash(raw_block)
votebits = unpack_uint16_from(raw_block[100:102])[0]
valid_tx_tree[prev] = self.is_valid_tx_tree(votebits)

processed_raw_blocks = []
for hash, raw_block in zip(hex_hashes, raw_blocks):
if hash in valid_tx_tree:
is_valid = valid_tx_tree[hash]
# Do something complicated to figure out if this block is valid
header = await self._send_single('getblockheader', (hash, ))
if 'nextblockhash' not in header:
raise DaemonError(f'Could not find next block for {hash}')
next_hash = header['nextblockhash']
next_header = await self._send_single('getblockheader',
(next_hash, ))
is_valid = self.is_valid_tx_tree(next_header['votebits'])

if is_valid:
# If this block is invalid remove the normal transactions'block {hash} is invalidated')

return processed_raw_blocks

def prev_hex_hash(raw_block):
return hash_to_hex_str(raw_block[4:36])

def is_valid_tx_tree(votebits):
# Check if previous block was invalidated.
return bool(votebits & (1 << 0) != 0)

def strip_tx_tree(self, raw_block):
c = self.coin
assert issubclass(c.DESERIALIZER, DeserializerDecred)
d = c.DESERIALIZER(raw_block, start=c.BASIC_HEADER_SIZE)
d.read_tx_tree() # Skip normal transactions
# Create a fake block without any normal transactions
return raw_block[:c.BASIC_HEADER_SIZE] + b'\x00' + raw_block[d.cursor:]

async def height(self):
height = await super().height()
if height > 0:
# Lie about the daemon height as the current tip can be invalidated
height -= 1
self._height = height
return height

async def mempool_hashes(self):
mempool = await super().mempool_hashes()
# Add current tip transactions to the 'fake' mempool.
real_height = await self._send_single('getblockcount')
tip_hash = await self._send_single('getblockhash', (real_height,))
tip = await self.deserialised_block(tip_hash)
# Add normal transactions except coinbase
mempool += tip['tx'][1:]
# Add stake transactions if applicable
mempool += tip.get('stx', [])
return mempool

def client_session(self):
# FIXME allow self signed certificates
connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=False)
return aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector)
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions tests/blocks/decred_mainnet_100.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"hash": "0000000000017dd91008ec7c0ea63749b81d9a5188d9efc8d2d8cc0bdcff4d2a",
"size": 382,
"height": 100,
"merkleroot": "5c49629cefa3d5eb640a3236f6e970386e0b0826a5d33d566de36aec534fa93d",
"stakeroot": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"tx": [
"time": 1454961067,
"nonce": 3396292691,
"bits": "1b01ffff",
"previousblockhash": "000000000000dcecdf2c1ae9bb3e2e3135e7765b1902938ff67e2be489ab8131",
"block": "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"

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