Being a fan of the famous sudoku game, I had the idea to create a program that solves a sudoku puzzle taking as input the puzzle image.
- python 3.7
- tensorflow v2.1.0
- keras
- openCV
python "path_to_image"
- : main python file that will run the program on sudoku images as described in usage.
- : python class that contains all the logic of solving sudoku puzzle using backtracking.
- : python class that contains all the methods needed to extract the sudoku puzzle from an image and convert it to a 2d array using the model trained.
sudoku preprocess.ipynb : python notebook that contain an exampel showing all the steps of image preprocessing from finding conours to converting the puzzle image to a 2d array.
model.ipynb : python notebook to train a convolution neural network on numbers images.
dataset : folder that contains all the images used to train the model , images were collected by me from internet.
model : folder that contains the model trained.
test_images : images of sudoku puzzle to test on the program .