PHP MVC boilerplate with user authentication, basic security and MySQL CRUD operations. Framework was developed during the final year of university. It was used for some private projects, however I highly suggest you to use Laravel or some other popular framework for your work.
- Web server: Apache with mod_rewrite enabled
- Database server: MySQL
- PHP 7.x
- ApiGen / phpDocumentor
- PHPUnit
If you imported database data from sys/db/dump.sql
, you could authenticate with following credentials:
- [email protected] / admin
- [email protected] / admin
If you're manually adding user to users
table, don't forget to append salt from sys/Config.php
before hashing with SHA-512 algorithm.
Each database table should have appropriate model file. For example, table tasks
have app/models/TaskModel.php
. There you need to hardcode table name in protected $tableName
property and eventually add new functions. Provided functions with basic model are:
- read
- readAll
- create
- update
- delete
All routes should be placed inside routes.php
. Each route must have following properties:
- Name of the controller whom the route belongs to
- Name of the controller's method (the route callback)
- Request URI, represented via PCRE
For example, if we have following code:
new Route('Home', 'index', '|^/?$|'),
it means that when user visits URI which matched RegEx |^/?$|
, index.php
will instantiate HomeController.php
and call his index
Route | Regex |
/ |
|^/?$| |
users/ |
|^users/?$| |
users/create/ |
|^users/create/?$| |
users/update/15/ |
|^users/update/([0-9]+)/?$| |
users/delete/4/ |
|^users/delete/([0-9]+)/?$| |
store/iphone-8-64gb/ |
|^store/([a-z0-9]+(?:\-[a-z0-9]+)*)/?$| |
Anything | |^.*$| |
Framework provides basic security mechanisms.
class uses prepared statements and Database
class uses PDO's DSN charset parameter to set connection encoding to utf8
. It is impossible for an attacker to inject malicious SQL this way. For providing defense in depth, you can use input validation - for applications that demand higher level of security, I use input validation not only in PHP, but in MySQL also (via triggers).
For basic XSS protection (e.g. when we need to insert data in HTML body) you can use Security
class. For example, if we need to insert $DATA['user']
in our HTML, we would use following code:
<p><?= Security::escape($DATA['user']); ?></p>
However, that wouldn't protect us if we needed to insert data inside <script>
tag, for example. Visit OWASP page for further instructions. If you want to use third-party library for defense in depth, HTML Purifier is a good one. For API responses in JavaScript, don't forget to use safe JavaScript functions and properties (e.g. element.textContent
, jQuery .text()
function etc.) when you need to populate the DOM.
This framework provides user authentication functionallity, however if you intend to use it, in order for your users to be protected, you need to use HTTPS (HTTP + SSL). Without SSL encryption anyone could intercept the transmission from your browser to the server. Today, this is completely free thanks to initiatives like Let's Encrypt CA. I highly advise that you use HTTPS-related mechanisms like HSTS and HPKP as well.
Great tool for generating documentation is ApiGen. You can install it via Composer (I prefer doing it globally) and simply run:
apigen generate --source MVC --destination MVC/docs
firefox docs/index.html &
Due to the recent problems with ApiGen and PHP 7.2, I used phpDocumentor as an alternative. Install phpDocumentor and run:
phpdoc --directory MVC --target MVC/docs