Welcome to the comprehensive study guide for the Kubernetes Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) certification exam. This guide is designed to help you prepare effectively for the KCNA exam, providing a structured learning path, hands-on practice, and curated resources.
This study guide covers all major topics in the KCNA curriculum. Each section includes:
- An overview of the topic
- Learning objectives
- Links to detailed resources (articles, official documentation, etc.)
- Hands-on practice exercises
- Sample questions to test your understanding
Introduction to Cloud Native and Containers
- Introduction to Cloud Native Computing
- Docker for Beginners: Introduction to Docker
- Docker for Beginners: Understanding Docker Architecture
- Docker for Beginners: Creating Your First Docker Image
- Docker for Beginners: Networking Fundamentals for Containers
- Docker for Beginners: Understanding Docker Storage and Volumes
- Docker for Beginners: Beyond Docker - Understanding containerd and CRI-O
Kubernetes Fundamentals (Work in Progress)
- Introduction to Kubernetes: Your Journey Begins Here
- Understanding Kubernetes Pods: The Building Blocks of Your Cloud-Native Applications
- Understanding Kubernetes ReplicaSets: Ensuring High Availability for Your Applications
- Kubernetes networking basics (Coming Soon)
- Configuration and Secrets management (Coming Soon)
Container Orchestration and Advanced Kubernetes (Coming Soon!)
- Container orchestration principles
- Advanced Kubernetes objects
- Kubernetes scheduling and resource management
- Introduction to Helm
Cloud Native Architecture (Coming Soon!)
- Microservices architecture
- Autoscaling and serverless concepts
- Cloud Native design patterns
- Community, governance, and open standards
Cloud Native Observability and Monitoring (Coming Soon!)
- Observability principles
- Introduction to Prometheus and Grafana
- Basic cost management in Cloud Native environments
Cloud Native Application Delivery and DevOps (Coming Soon!)
- CI/CD in Cloud Native environments
- GitOps principles
- Basic security concepts in the CI/CD pipeline
Cloud Native Security Fundamentals (Coming Soon!)
- The 4Cs of Cloud Native Security
- Basic Kubernetes security concepts
- Container and image security
Emerging Cloud Native Technologies (Coming Soon!)
- Service Mesh introduction
- Serverless and Function-as-a-Service (FaaS)
- Edge computing in Cloud Native environments
- Start with the Introduction section and progress through each topic sequentially.
- For each section, review the learning objectives to understand what you should learn.
- Study the provided resources and complete the hands-on exercises.
- Test your knowledge with the practice questions at the end of each section.
- Use the links provided to dive deeper into topics as needed.
This guide is open-source and community-driven. If you'd like to contribute, please see our CONTRIBUTING.md file for guidelines.
This study guide is released under the MIT License.