- laravel/framework#33356 [7.x] Convert eloquent collection to eloquent query builder
- laravel/framework#33021 [7.x] Add the ability to makeMany (create many without saving)
- laravel/framework#34136 [6.x] Fix for empty fallback_locale
- laravel/framework#35433 [8.x] Make pipeline accept additional data
- laravel/framework#33679 [7.x] Add withoutEagerLoads function
- laravel/framework#30161 [6.x] Override (static) password name
- mongodb/laravel-mongodb#1829 fix filtering with operator not like issue
- spatie/laravel-query-builder#519 add the ability to filter by nested relation scopes
- laravel-notification-channels/fcm#28 make routeNotificationFor method accepts notification object
- hoppscotch/hoppscotch#116 fix styling issue of send again button
- Benjacho/belongs-to-many-field-nova#40 make optionsLabel able to use nested object key
- SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel#3032 make progress bar redirect to nullOutput if not provided