AndroidLame is a wrapper Library for Android/Java around Lame MP3 encoder (
Built using NDK and Andorid studio with experimental gradle plugin.
##Gradle dependency ####build.gradle (project)
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.naman14:TAndroidLame:1.0'
AndoridLame androidLame = new AndroidLame(); //everything set to defaults
LameBuilder builder = new LameBuilder()
AndroidLame androidLame =; //use this
AndroidLame androidLame = new AndroidLame(builder); //or this
##Building with Android studio
Import the project and download the experimental gradle plugin and corresponding gradle version.
plugin version and 2.10
gradle version
Use ndk-build
in androidlame/src/main/jni (where is located) to generate the shared library
(Android studio should automatically generate the so file when building but somehow it doesn't)
LameBuilder is a wrapper around the extra initialisation parameters in Lame.
inSampleRate - input sample rate in Hz. default = 44100hz
numChannels - number of channels in input stream. default=2
bitrate - set the bitrate of out stream
outSampleRate - output sample rate in Hz. default = 0, which means LAME picks best value
based on the amount of compression
quality - quality = 0 to 9. 0=best (very slow). 9=worst. default = 5
scaleInput - scale the input by this amount before encoding. default=1
Mode - sets a preset mode
public enum Mode {
There are 3 bitrate modes in Lame - CBR, VBR, ABR
CBR Constant Bit Rate (default) - CBR encodes every frame at the same bitrate.
VBR Variable Bit Rate - The final file size of a VBR encode is less predictable, but the quality is usually better.
ABR Average Bit rate - A compromise between VBR and CBR modes, ABR encoding varies bits around a specified target bitrate. use setAbrBitrate
to set the mean bitrate to be used for encoding
setVbrMode default = VBR_OFF = CBR
public enum VbrMode {
If using ABR, use setAbrBitrate
to set the mean bitrate in kbps, value is ignored if used with other vbr modes
vbrQuality VBR quality level. 0=highest 9=lowest, Range [0,...,10[
lowpassFrequency freq in Hz to apply lowpass. Default = 0 = lame chooses. -1 = disabled
highpassFrequency freq in Hz to apply highpass. Default = 0 = lame chooses. -1 = disabled
setId3... - to set id3 tags
A wrapper class for actual native implementation and encoding
encode(short[] buffer_l, short[] buffer_r, int samples, byte[] mp3buf)
input pcm data
returns number of bytes output in mp3buf
encodeBufferInterleaved(short[] pcm, int samples, byte[] mp3buf);
as above, but input has L & R channel data interleaved.
num_samples = number of samples in the L (or R) channel, not the total number of samples in pcm[]
lameFlush(byte[] mp3buf);
flushes the intenal PCM buffers, and returns the final mp3 frames, will also write id3v1 tags (if any) into the bitstream returns number of bytes output to mp3buf
A sample apk is avilable in releases.
(Remember to grant permissions from settings on Marshmallow devices or app will crash)
Sample apk has two demos -
- Encoding .wav to mp3 and
- Recording audio using AudioRecorder and encoding in real time to mp3
(c) 2015 Naman Dwivedi
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this app. If not, see