BoardView is a custom view that allows you to be able to re-order items in a list as well as in a board. You can drag and drop items between columns as well as drag and drop columns.
Add this to your build.gradle file for your app.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add this to your dependencies in build.gradle for your project.
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.jakebonk:BoardView:1.0.3'
BoardView utilizes a BoardAdapter, SimpleBoardAdapter is an example of how to extend BoardAdapter.
BoardView boardView = (BoardView)findViewById(;
ArrayList<SimpleBoardAdapter.SimpleColumn> data = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
list.add("Item 1");
list.add("Item 2");
list.add("Item 3");
list.add("Item 4");
data.add(new SimpleBoardAdapter.SimpleColumn("Column 1",list));
data.add(new SimpleBoardAdapter.SimpleColumn("Column 2",list));
data.add(new SimpleBoardAdapter.SimpleColumn("Column 3",list));
data.add(new SimpleBoardAdapter.SimpleColumn("Column 4",list));
data.add(new SimpleBoardAdapter.SimpleColumn("Column 5",list));
SimpleBoardAdapter boardAdapter = new SimpleBoardAdapter(this,data);
There are two types of drag listeners, the first is for columns
boardView.setOnDragColumnListener(new BoardView.DragColumnStartCallback() {
public void startDrag(View view, int startColumnPos) {
public void changedPosition(View view, int startColumnPos, int newColumnPos) {
public void endDrag(View view, int startColumnPos, int endColumnPos) {
Similarly we can get the drag listener for items
boardView.setOnDragItemListener(new BoardView.DragItemStartCallback() {
public void startDrag(View view, int startItemPos, int startColumnPos) {
public void changedPosition(View view, int startItemPos, int startColumnPos, int newItemPos, int newColumnPos) {
public void endDrag(View view, int startItemPos, int startColumnPos, int endItemPos, int endColumnPos) {
Creating a custom BoardAdapter is pretty similar to that of a BaseAdapter, the main focus being to create some type of object that help you create your custom views for both headers and items.
There is a scaling issue when the column is beginning dragging or has ended dragging. I know this is an issue but I don't know of a good way to solve this at the moment. I eventually will fix it but for now I'm putting it on the back burners.