- Brussels
- https://ahmetozlu.medium.com
ai-team-gemini-groq Public
👾 A simple AI team project featuring Gemini for text processing, Groq for data analysis, and Phidata for agent orchestration. Modular, lightweight, and easy to extend!
MIT License UpdatedJan 25, 2025 -
🚀 The TensorFlow Object Counting API is an open source framework built on top of TensorFlow and Keras that makes it easy to develop object counting systems!
signature_extractor Public
A super lightweight image processing algorithm for detection and extraction of overlapped handwritten signatures on scanned documents using OpenCV and scikit-image.
🦅 An inventory management project for providing a sample microservice case study which contains Spring Cloud Eureka server & client, feign client, error handling & fault tolerance, API gateway, Spr…
💡 Small smart contract examples to understand basics and some details of developing Ethereum smart contracts!
decentralized_banking_system Public
🏦 Decentralized banking system is a DApp built on Ethereum blockchain with smart contract on solidity.
vehicle_counting_tensorflow Public
🚘 "MORE THAN VEHICLE COUNTING!" This project provides prediction for speed, color and size of the vehicles with TensorFlow Object Counting API.
defi_yield_farming Public
🚜 🌾 A DeFi app, which provides staking & farming functions are deploy-able with a website, for yield farming.
tensorflow_blob_analysis Public
A sample project to perform blob analysis on images with TensorFlow and Keras to detect blobs and analyze their shape features such as the presence, number, area, position, length, and direction of…
🍔 🍟 A real life case study for developing Ethereum smart contract for businesses: Building a smart contract to manage a burger store.
smart_contract_helloworld Public
🔥 Smart contract hello world tutorial: write and deploy your first Ethereum smart contract!
object_detection_chooch Public
A sample project for super fast real time object detection and counting using CHOOCH AI API and OpenCV.
nonlinear_regression_keras Public
Training of a neural network for nonlinear regression prediction with TensorFlow and Keras API.
android_power_monitor Public
🔋 Android power monitor hardware with Arduino.
face_recognition_crop Public
Multi-view face recognition, face cropping and saving the cropped faces as new images on videos to create a multi-view face recognition database.
color_recognition Public
🎨 Color recognition & classification & detection on webcam stream / on video / on single image using K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is trained with color histogram features by OpenCV.
augmented_reality Public
💎 "Marker-less Augmented Reality" with OpenCV and OpenGL.
aipa Public
AIPA (A.I. Personal Assistant): Speech, Vision, Machine Learning and IoT based intelligent personal assistant for Ubuntu based Linux distributions.
Real time circle detection and tracking by Hough Circle Transform with OpenCV on Android OS.
human_computer_interaction Public
Fist, palm and hand detection & tracking for intelligent human-computer interaction game character movement control with OpenCV on Java (Processing sketchbook).
arlo_traffic_analysis Public
Vehicle detection, tracking, counting and speed prediction on videos with OpenCV.
bitcoin Public
Forked from bitcoin/bitcoinBitcoin Core integration/staging tree
unity_camera_movements Public
"Main Camera" movements scripts for Unity (for Desktop and Gear VR platforms).
vehicle_counting_hog_svm Public
Vehicle detection, tracking and counting by SVM is trained with HOG features using OpenCV on c++.
unity_calendar_ui Public
This is a well defined-basic "Calendar UI" for Unity.
vehicle_counting Public
Vehicle detection, tracking and counting by blob detection with OpenCV on c++.
family_tree Public
Ask relation, add/delete/update person, get information of any person, print the family tree, control under 18 age marriage and more...
family_tree_warehouse_app Public
Ask relation, add/delete/update person, get information of any person, print the family tree, control under 18 age marriage and more...
TCP Socket Programming implementation of server side in c programming language.