Follow vividly this instructions to set up the project.
- Download VSCode
- During the installation, add VSCode to path.
- Download Python
- During the installation, add Python to path.
Install the following extensions on VSCode.
- Python
- Pylance
- Jupyter
- Jupyter Notebook Renderers
- GitLens
Open the command line and run this command.
pip install numpy pandas matplotlib scikit-learn seaborn xgboost
Follow one of these ways to get this project to your computer 💻
- Download the project and extract it.
- Right click and open the project in VSCode
- Click on the notebook file and run all cells.
- Clone the project using the comand-line, change the present working directory to the cloned project’s directory
- Open the project in VSCode using the command →
code .
- Click on the notebook file and run all cells.
- Open the project in VSCode using the command →
Open your project as the present working directory in the terminal and run streamlit run
This software uses the following open source packages:
- ML Web App - A Machine Learning Web App for predicting Diabetes.
- ML Web App - A Machine Learning Web App for House Price Predictions.
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