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A modern way of taking and creating e-quizzes.

Why did I make E-Testing?

As it is the 2nd wave of the pandemic in Pakistan, every one has switched to working from home, classes are held online 
as well as the tests and exams so I decided to make my contribution by creating E-Testing.
E-Testing saves time and is easy to use for testing purpose on a web-based platform.

How my project is different from others in this course?

 All the other projects that I have done so far in this course, were simple or one can say they were not that much 
 complex, as they were to design a webpage, design a networking and/or communication websites, like mail, Wiki, 
 Search etc and were a little less complex unlike Capstone. I tranferred json formatted data, included a timer that 
 was not so easy to mention. Besides that, I have also used SQL database in this project created in
 that was somethimng different than the previous projects of this course. In addition to that, this web page is 
 more user-friendly, having a better GUI than the previous ones.

###Functionality of my project: E-Testing is a web-based platform where a user can perform the following tasks:

  • Registering or logging in with the previously registered IDs
  • Creating a quiz
  • Creating a new category for the questions to add in
  • Specifying the date, time, and time limit for the attempt of the quiz by other users
  • Creating and adding new questions to the quiz
  • Attempting the quiz (on the date and within the time limit specified by the creator of the quiz)
  • Reviewing their attempted quizzes, correct options in case they selected wromng previously and their score
  • Seeing the names of the users who have attempted the quiz created by them, and seeing who passed/failed

Implementation (what my files are and what they contain)

I have used Javascript python Html and CSS. and the i have used the Django for the backend of the my applicaation javascript
for the frontend. after creating the project with the name of the Capstone i created the applcation with name of the E-testing 
and the entry point to run the Application is the file and the django have by default bunch of the files i have manupulated 
following files:
  • In file I have created the database for my application which includes following table:

    • User stores the name of the users
    • Question used to store the information of the Questions' data, for example statements, options, correct option.
    • Quiz used to store information for Quiz, like the Question, total score and availability time for the quiz etc.
    • Question_result stores the result of each particular quiz attempted by the particular user.
    • Quiz_attempts stores the information of the quiz result e.g.status, how many questions were attempts
    • Profile stores quizzes created by the user and number of the quizzes attempted by them.
  • In this python file, I have coded all the backend logic used to manipulate the data. I have created some following methods

    • creation This method is called when user clicks on the link in the navbar to create quiz and question. It renders the quiz
      with the Pagination, 9 quizzes on each page.
    • create_quiz on creation.html, when the user clicks the "create quiz" button, this method is called to
      create the quiz and save it to the database as well.
    • add_question_quiz if you click on the "add question to quiz" then this method is called to takes the question id as an argument of the method and add the question into a particular quiz.
    • create_question when user fills the field with the create question label, and clicks on the button add question then this method submits the form having bunch of the fields and create the question. Every question have its unique id.
    • my_profile when user clicks the username button on the nav bar, this method is called, renders a page by taking all quizzes created by current user and in the reverse order so that last created quiz should come on top.
    • evaluation This method is called when user clicks the evaluate button to evaluate that particular quiz. This method then renders a page with Quiz_attempt and question_result which stores all the information of the attempt of the quiz.
    • view_all_quiz this method is used to render the page with all quizzes available in the database reagardless whether user has
      already attempted the quiz or not.
    • attemp_quiz this method is called when user clicks on the attempt quiz button. This method does two things; it renders the page with all
      questions, and here I used Javascript to check whether the answer is right and wrong. It then submits to the database and then this method is again redirected with the result of last attempted questions.
    • review_my_quiz this method is called when you click on the review button, it renders a page with user Question_attempt which was saved while user
      attempted the question and it also renders the result of each question.
    • save_question_result this method is used to save the answer of each question.
    • view_all_questions this method renders page with all the questions and with the list of the category.
    • show_relevant_question when user selects the question category in show_all_question, this method renders the question with the selected category.
    • login_view this is called the when the user logs in .
    • logout_view this when the user logs out
    • register when the user clicks on the register button, this methd is used to register the new user.
  • eTesting/Templates In this package I have the all my html files that are used to manipulate the frontend of the webpages and manage their structure, their backend code is inside the methods by the names, same as the following files inside Each html page renders a specific page which is used for a specific function. All the files and their main functionality are described as follows:

    • viewAllQuiz.html This is the entry page where you will see all the quizzes displayed with the attempt button. Pagination is also used here as well, to make user-friendly and to make it easy to use .
    • creation.html used for the interface for the creation of new quizzes and questions.
    • evaluation.html used for seeing who has attempted your quizzes and who has passed/failed.
    • index.html this file is used for attempting the quiz, it shows all the questions with their options.
    • layout.html this page defines the layout of the all pages.
    • login.html used for logging in.
    • message.html used to display the message "Time UP!!" when time of the quiz is up while attempting.
    • myProfile.html used to show all the quizzes created by the user.
    • questions.html used to show all the questions that can be added in the quiz. Also, includes fields for finalizing the quizzes like giving time, score and passing score etc.
    • register.html used to register the new user.
    • review.html used to display the result of quiz.
    • viewAllQuestions.html This will show all of the questions. Pagination is also used so to make it user-friendly and to ensure ease of use.


E-Testing Django Project






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