This is an extension of iFogSim that makes it possible to simulate and evaluate data placement strategies in context of Fog computing and IoT. This extension uses two external tools: 1- Cplex to compute the data placement which is formulated as a Generalized Assignement Problem (GAP) 2- Metis to partition a graph which models the simulated infrastructure into k-partitions. This is in order to conceive several data placement sub problems hence reducing the overall problem complexity.
This extension involves several data placement strategies: storageModes = Arrays.asList(CloudStorage,ClosestNode,FogStorage,ZoningStorage,GraphPartitionStorage);
FogStorage and ZoningStorage require CPLEX installation and setups, and GraphPartitionStorage requires Metis installation.
For test, you can set storageModes = Arrays.asList(CloudStorage,ClosestNode,FogStorage,ZoningStorage,GraphPartitionStorage);
The path of the main class is: src/org/fog/examples/
Next, various configurations and setups to reuse this extension, are shown. 1- Clone this repository in your machine. 2- Install Cplex: there is a free acadimique version. 3- Add the Cplex Jar: 4- Install Metis.