Code for paper: Fairness by "Where": A Statistically-Robust and Model-Agnostic Bi-Level Learning Framework. AAAI 2022.
(Link for data: https://pitt-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/erh108_pitt_edu/EmqOrtnsaCVFnD_PA1cFjt8BLX1zg6Ws0smAF0hr90JKjw?e=NCHtar)
- X_train.npy: all training samples extracted from the satellite-based crop monitoring dataset.
- y_train.npy: the corresponding labels for training samples.
- train_id.pickle: training samples' indices for all partitions within each candidate partitioning.
- X_test.npy: all testing samples (not overlapped with training samples).
- y_test.npy: the corresponding labels for testing samples.
- test_id.pickle: training samples' indices for all partitions within each candidate partitioning.
- results: an example model.
- Training a base model with training data with 300 epochs.
- Applying stochastic and bi-level training strategies to the base model with 50 epochs.
- Comparing the overall performance and fairness between the base model and the final model.