Create routable NetworkX graph with realistic transfer times from GTFS feeds. 🚌 🚆 🚡
- Cleaning & preprocessing
- Remove trips with unrealistic travel times and speeds
- Fix trips contradictory stop sequences and departure times
- Enable routability
- Ensure each node belongs only to single route
- Calculate average segment travel times
- Calculate average stop headway and service frequency
- Add edges for walking transfer between routes with realistic transfer time (walking time + headway / 2)
pip install git+[email protected]
import gtfs2nx as gx
G = gx.transit_graph('path/to/')
Customize transit network:
G = gx.transit_graph(
time_window=('06:00', '08:00'),
route_types=[700], # only buses
walk_transfer_max_distance=400, # allow transfers with long walking distance
See the API docs for more details and the getting-started notebook for a small demo.
import networkx as nx
# access precomputed stop characteristics
frequency = nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'frequency')
# routing
route = nx.shortest_path(G, from_stop, to_stop, weight='weight')
# travel time to other stops
travel_times = nx.single_source_dijkstra_path_length(G, source=from_stop, weight='weight')
# centrality analysis
centrality = nx.closeness_centrality(G, distance='weight')
- Using graph neural networks to classify missing GTFS route types
- Validating NetworkX transit graph: Comparing routes and travel times to Google Maps
Build from source using poetry:
poetry build
pip install dist/gtfs2nx-*.whl
Configure post-checkout hook for branch specific .gitignore files:
git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks/