Efficiently and swiftly compiles C code with basic naming scheme.
Instead of typing out "clang script.c -o script", this can be run instead: "0c script", which does the exact same thing, while making your programming process much more efficient! This program relies on "clang", so before running "0c", install it with "apt install clang -y".
copy this command
git clone https://github.com/aidanlenahan/0sec-clang && cd 0sec-clang && chmod +x ./setup.sh && ./setup.sh
inside of the 0sec-clang/ directory, run "./remove"
then, run "cd .." followed by "./DELETE-ME.sh"
finally, run "rm DELETE-ME.sh" if you wish to get rid of the deletion script.
- 0c : Compiles a C file named .c and creates an executable with the same name.
- 0c help: Displays this help menu.
- To install, run (with no brackets)
- Created by Aidan Lenahan, Feb 2024
Ironically, this program is compiled C code. I hope you find this program helpful! Any further questions can be addressed to [email protected].