ImGuiFontStudio is a tool for Subset font and extract glyph names for use embbeded or not in a software, especially for use with ImGui for embedded way.
Greatly inspired / based on the project IconFontCppHeaders
This is my first big opensource software.
As a self learning man i always developped my softs in solo.
So maybe you will found some weird things, bad design pattern, bad optimization, or others bullshits :)
Please send me your feedback. I enjoy all constructive comments and help is welcome.
ImGuiFontStudio url :
- can open ttf or otf font file
- can subset font file (one file same time or by batch)
- can generate header with corresponding glyph names and codepoint
- can generate cpp file with compressed data o=foir embedded use
- can merge many font file in one (WIP, there is some pending issues #1 about this last)
- can edit codepoint and glyph names
- have a project file
- many tool available for select glyphs (by zone, by line, by codepoint range)
- Cross Platform, tested on Win/Osx/Linux
- Change / define ImGui app Theme
- No lib, one executable only
Main View : Final pane with two fonts
Main View : Final pane for edition
You can use the issue tab for report issues or for features request.
ImGuiFontStudio if an open soruce software under license apache 2.0