Tags: aijikl/pony
Pony ORM Release 0.6.5 (2016-04-04) # Improvements * Fixes ponyorm#172: Query prefetch() method should load specified lazy attributes right in the main query if possible # Bugfixes * Fixes ponyorm#168: Incorrect caching when slicing the same query multiple times * Fixes ponyorm#169: When py_check() returns False, Pony should truncate too large values in resulting ValueError message * Fixes ponyorm#171: AssertionError when saving changes of multiple objects * Fixes ponyorm#176: Autostripped strings are not validated correctly for Required attributes See blog post for more detailed information: https://blog.ponyorm.com/2016/04/04/pony-orm-release-0-6-5/
Pony ORM Release 0.6.3 (2016-02-05) This release brings no new features, has no backward incompatible changes, only bug fixes. If you are using obj.flush() method in your code we recommend you to upgrade to 0.6.3 release. Blog post: https://blog.ponyorm.com/2016/02/05/pony-orm-release-0-6-3/
Pony ORM Release 0.6.1 * Closed ponyorm#65: Now the select(), filter(), order_by(), page(), limit(), random() methods can be applied to collection attributes * Closed ponyorm#105: Now you can pass globals and locals to the select() function * Improved inheritance support in queries: select(x for x in BaseClass if x.subclass_attr == y) * Now it is possible to do db.insert(SomeEntity, column1=x, column2=y) instead of db.insert(SomeEntity._table_, column1=x, column2=y) * Discriminator attribute can be part of the composite index * Now it is possible to specify the attribute name instead of the attribute itself in composite index * Query statistics: global_stats_lock is deprecated, just use global_stats property without any locking * New load() method for entity instances which retrieves all unloaded attributes except collections * New load() method for collections, e.g. customer.orders.load() * Enhanced error message when descendant classes declare attributes with the same name * Fixed ponyorm#98: Composite index can include attributes of base entity * Fixed ponyorm#106: incorrect loading of object which consists of primary key only * Fixed pony.converting.check_email() * Prefetching bug fixed: if collection is already fully loaded it shouldn't be loaded again * Deprecated Entity.order_by(..) method was removed. Use Entity.select().order_by(...) instead * Various performance enhancements * Multiple bugs were fixed
Pony ORM Release Candidate 0.6rc1 http://blog.ponyorm.com/2014/10/08/pony-orm-0-6-release-candidate-1 # New features: * Python 3 support * pymysql adapter support for MySQL databases # Backward incompatible changes Now Pony treats both `str`` and `unicode`` attribute types as they are unicode strings in both Python 2 and 3. So, the attribute declaration `attr = Required(str)` is equal to `attr = Required(unicode)` in Python 2 and 3. The same thing is with `LongStr` and `LongUnicode` - both of them are represented as unicode strings now. For the sake of backward compatibility Pony adds `unicode` as an alias to `str` and `buffer` as an alias to `bytes` in Python 3. # Other changes and bug fixes * Fixes ponyorm#74: Wrong FK column type when using sql_type on foreign ID column * Fixes ponyorm#75: MappingError for self-referenced entities in a many-to-many relationship * Fixes ponyorm#80: “Entity NoneType does not belong to database” when using to_dict