A framework of Nginx Communication Cluster. reliable distranslation messages in nginx nodes and processes.
The chinese intro document at here: chinese wiki.
The framework support:
communication between cluster nodes and worker processes, with directions: super/clients, master/workers
native ngx.location.capture* based, support coroutine sub-request
- without cosocket (not dependent)
multi channels and sub-channels supported
multi-root or cross-cluster communication supported
full support NGX_4C programming architecture
* http://github.com/aimingoo/ngx_4c
The contents of current document:
- nginx + lua
- per-worker-listener patch, a update version included (original version from Roman Arutyunyan)
- require ngx_tasks by heartbeat module, from:
- require Valider by invalid module, from:
- require JSON by simple/standard invoke module, from:
all optional module saved to ngx_cc/lib/*, by default.
OpenResty is recommend(here),or install nginx+lua, see:
need install/apply these patchs before compile nginx+lua, see:
please read the script, apply patchs and compile/rebuild nginx.
write a ngxin.conf, and put to home of current user:
## vi ~/nginx.conf
user nobody;
worker_processes 4;
events {
worker_connections 10240;
accept_mutex off; ## per-worker-listener patch required
http {
server {
listen 80;
listen 8010 per_worker; ## per-worker-listener patch required
server_name localhost;
location /test {
content_by_lua '
ngx.say("pid: " .. ngx.var.pid .. ", port: " .. ngx.var.server_port .. "\tOkay.")';
Ok. now start nginx and run testcase:
> sudo sbin/nginx -c ~/nginx.conf
> for port in 80 {8010..8013}; do curl "$port/test"; done
if success, output(pid changeable):
pid: 24017, port: 80 Okay.
pid: 24016, port: 8010 Okay.
pid: 24017, port: 8011 Okay.
pid: 24018, port: 8012 Okay.
pid: 24019, port: 8013 Okay.
download ngx_cc:
> cd ~
> git clone https://github.com/aimingoo/ngx_cc
# or
> cd ~
> wget https://github.com/aimingoo/ngx_cc/archive/master.zip -O ngx_cc.zip
> unzip ngx_cc.zip -d ngx_cc/
> mv ngx_cc/ngx_cc-master/* ngx_cc/
> rm -rf ngx_cc/ngx_cc-master
run nginx with prefix parament:
> # cd home directory of nginx
> sudo ./sbin/nginx -c ~/ngx_cc/nginx.conf -p ~/ngx_cc
and test it:
Hi, Welcome to the ngx_cc cluster!
## build cluster configures
This is base demo for a simple cluster.
1) clone demo configures and change it
# clone configures
> cp ~/work/ngx_cc/nginx.conf ~/work/ngx_cc/nginx.conf.1
> cp ~/work/ngx_cc/nginx.conf ~/work/ngx_cc/nginx.conf.2
# change next lines with '90' or '9091' and pid.1
> grep -Pne 'pid\t|listen\t' ~/work/ngx_cc/nginx.conf.1
13:pid logs/nginx.pid.1;
36: listen 90;
37: listen 9010 per_worker;
# change next lines with '100' or '10091' and pid.2
> grep -Pne 'pid\t|listen\t' ~/work/ngx_cc/nginx.conf.2
13:pid logs/nginx.pid.2;
36: listen 100;
37: listen 10010 per_worker;
- run instances
> sudo ./nginx -c ~/work/ngx_cc/nginx.conf.1 -p ~/ngx_cc
> sudo ./nginx -c ~/work/ngx_cc/nginx.conf.2 -p ~/ngx_cc
OK, now, you will get a cluster with next topology: here
- and, more changes(clients for a client)
# clone configures
> cp ~/work/ngx_cc/nginx.conf ~/work/ngx_cc/nginx.conf.11
# clone init_worker.lua
> cp ~/work/ngx_cc/init_worker.lua ~/work/ngx_cc/init_worker_11.lua
# change next lines with '1100' or '11010' and pid.11
> grep -Pne 'pid\t|listen\t' ~/work/ngx_cc/nginx.conf.11
13:pid logs/nginx.pid.11;
36: listen 1100;
37: listen 11010 per_worker;
# change init_worker_11.lua, insert a line at after "require()"
> grep -A1 -Fe "require('ngx_cc')" ~/work/ngx_cc/init_worker_11.lua
ngx_cc = require('ngx_cc')
ngx_cc.cluster.super = { host='', port='90' }
- run instance with nginx.conf.11
> sudo ./nginx -c ~/work/ngx_cc/nginx.conf.11
- print server list
> curl -s '' | python -m json.tool
"clients": {
"": {
"clients": [],
"ports": "10011,10013,10010,10012",
"routePort": "10012",
"service": "",
"super": ""
"": {
"clients": {
"": {
"clients": [],
"ports": "11011,11012,11010,11013",
"routePort": "11013",
"service": "",
"super": ""
"ports": "9011,9013,9012,9010",
"routePort": "9010",
"service": "",
"super": ""
"ports": "8012,8010,8013,8011",
"routePort": "8011",
"service": ""
check error.log in $(nginx)/logs to get more 'ALERT' information about initialization processes.
you need change your nginx.conf base demo configures, the demo in $(ngx_cc)/nginx.conf.
and, insert three locations into your nginx.conf:
http {
server {
# caster, internal only
location ~ ^/([^/]+)/cast {
set_by_lua $cc_host 'return ngx.var.cc_host';
set_by_lua $cc_port 'local p = ngx.var.cc_port or ""; return (p=="" or p=="80") and "" or ":"..p;';
rewrite ^/([^/]+)/cast/(.*)$ /$2 break; # if no match, will continue next-rewrite, skip current <break> opt
rewrite ^/([^/]+)/cast([^/]*)$ /$1/invoke$2 break;
proxy_pass http://$cc_host$cc_port;
proxy_read_timeout 2s;
proxy_send_timeout 2s;
proxy_connect_timeout 2s;
# invoke at worker listen port
location ~ ^/([^/]+)/invoke {
content_by_lua 'ngx_cc.invokes(ngx.var[1])';
# hub at main listen port(80), will redirect to route listen port
location ~ ^/([^/]+)/hub {
content_by_lua 'ngx_cc.invokes(ngx.var[1], true)';
http {
server {
lua_shared_dict ngxcc_dict 10M;
configures of <init_worker_by_lua_file> in your nginx.conf:
http {
init_worker_by_lua_file '<your_projet_directory>/init_worker.lua';
and coding in init_worker.lua:
-- get ngx_cc instance
ngx_cc = require('ngx_cc')
-- get route instance for 'test' channel
route = ngx_cc:new('test') -- work with 'test' channel
-- load invokes of 'test' channel
require('module.invoke').apply(route) -- it's default module
require('module.heartbeat').apply(route) -- it's heartbeat module
require('module.YOURMODULE').apply(route) -- your modules
write your invokes and put into $(ngx_cc)/modules/<YOURMODULE>.lua:
-- a demo invoke module
local function apply(invoke)
invoke.XXXX = function(route, channel, arg)
-- return invokes helper object
return {
apply = function(route)
return apply(route.invoke)
# run nginx with your nginx.conf, and call the test:
> curl '
There are published APIs of ngx_cc. The <ngx_cc> and <route > APIs for these intances/variants:
-- get ngx_cc instance
ngx_cc = require('ngx_cc')
-- get route instance for 'test' channel
route = ngx_cc:new('test') -- work with 'test' channel
### modules in the framework
cd ~/ngx_cc/
ngx_cc.lua -- main module
init_worker.lua -- (demo init_worker.lua)
nginx.conf -- (demo nginx.conf)
cd module/
ngx_cc_core.lua -- core module, load by ngx_cc.lua
heartbeat.lua -- (heartbeat module, optional)
invoke.lua -- (getServiceStat action, optional)
invalid.lua -- (cluster invalid check, optional)
cd ../lib/
JSON.lua -- JSON format output, dependency by getServiceStat action.
ngx_tasks.lua -- tasks management, dependency by ngx_cc.tasks interface, a example in module/heartbeat.lua
Valider.lua -- invalid rate check, dependency by module/invalid.lua
posix.lua -- a minimum posix system module
cd ../patch
per-worker.patch -- 'per_worker' directive in nginx.conf
ngx-worker-port.patch -- 'ngx.worker.port()' api in ngx_lua
run.sh -- a demo launch
### locations in nginx.conf
these locations in nginx.conf:
location ~ ^/([^/]+)/cast
location ~ ^/([^/]+)/invoke
location ~ ^/([^/]+)/hub
The regexp:
will match channel_name of your request/api accesses. ex:
> curl '
-- lua code
route.cc('/test/invoke?XXXX', { direction = 'workers' })
for these cases, the channel_name is 'test'.
it's internal sub-request of ngx_cc. don't access it in your program. if you want boardcast messages, need call route.cast() from your code.
it's main sub-request, access with route.cc() is commented. and you can seed http request from client(or anywhere):
> curl '
the 'XXXX' is <action_name> invoked at <channel_name>.
'/channel_name/invoke' will launch single worker process to answer request, it's unicast.
it's warp of '/channel_name/invoke' location.
the '/channel_name/hub' will launch 'router process' to answer request. the router is unique elected process by all workers.
# internal
ngx_cc.tasks : default tasks, drive by tasks management module/plugins, see module/heartbeat.lua or ngx_tasks project.
ngx_cc.channels : channel list
ngx_cc.cluster : cluster infomation
ngx_cc.invokes() : internal invoker
# ngx_cc version 1.x
ngx_cc:new() : create communication channel and return its route
ngx_cc.optionAgain() : options generater of ngx_cc.cc()
ngx_cc.optionAgain2(): a warp of optionAgain()
ngx_cc.say() : output http responses
# ngx_cc version 2.x
ngx_cc.self() : warp of ngx.location.capture(), send sub-request to myself with current context
route.remote() : remote procedure call(RPC) for multi-root architecture, base RESTApi or direct http request
ngx_cc.transfer() : online transfer some clients to new super
ngx_cc.all() : batch communication request, call and return once, ngx.thread based
function ngx_cc:new(channel, options)
try get a route instance workat 'test' channel, and with default options:
route = ngx_cc:new('test')
the default options is:
options = {
host = '',
port = '80',
dict = 'test_dict', -- 'channel_name' .. '_dict'
initializer = 'automatic'
you can put custom options, ex:
route = ngx_cc:new('test', { port = '90' })
function ngx_cc.say(r_status, r_resps)
print/write context into current http responses with a route.cc() communication:
for 'workers'/'clients' direction, will output all response body of success communication.
function ngx_cc.self(url, opt)
function ngx_cc.remote(url, opt)
ngx_cc.self() will send a sub-request from current request context. it's warp of ngx.location.capture*, with same interface of route.cc().
ngx_cc.remote() will send a rpc(remote process call). so, the full remote url is required for 'url' parament.
ngx_cc.self/remote is none channel dependency, so you can call them without communication channel.
ngx_cc.self() unsupport '_' replacement symbol, but route.self() is supported.
function ngx_cc.transfer(super, channels, clients)
super - string, 'HOST:PORT'
channels - string, 'channelName1,channelName2,...', or '*'
clients - string, 'ip1,ip2,ip3,...', or '*'
Transfer these clients to new super at these channels. the api will rewrite clients register table in shared dictionary, and send transfer command to these clients.
clients will invoke the command and transfer himself.
function ngx_cc.all(requests, comment) -- comment is log only
ngx_cc.all() will batch send all requests. the request define:
{ cc_command, arg1, arg2, ... }
so, you can push any command/call, ex:
local reuests = {}
table.insert(reuests, {ngx_cc.remote, 'a_url', a_option_table})
table.insert(reuests, {ngx_cc.all, request2})
table.insert(reuests, {route.cc, 'a_url', a_option_table})
local ok, resps = ngx_cc.all(reuests)
ngx_cc.say(ok, resps)
function ngx_cc.invokes(channel, master_only)
will call from localtions in nginx.conf only:
# invoke at worker listen port
location ~ ^/([^/]+)/invoke {
content_by_lua 'ngx_cc.invokes(ngx.var[1])';
# hub at main listen port(80), will redirect to route listen port
location ~ ^/([^/]+)/hub {
content_by_lua 'ngx_cc.invokes(ngx.var[1], true)';
function ngx_cc.optionAgain(direction, opt)
function ngx_cc.optionAgain2(direction, opt, force_mix_into_current)
the 'opt' parament see: options of ngx.location.capture*
the 'direction' parament is string(will copy to opt.direction):
-- 'super' : 1:1 send to super node, the super is parent node.
-- 'master' : 1:1 send to router process from any worker
-- 'workers': 1:* send to all workers
-- 'clients': 1:* send to all clients
- function ngx_cc.optionAgain()
- function ngx_cc.optionAgain('direction')
- function ngx_cc.optionAgain(direction_object)
- function ngx_cc.optionAgain(direction_object, opt)
-- case 1
route.cc('/_/invoke', ngx_cc.optionAgain())
will return default option object:
default_opt = {
direction = 'master', -- default
method = ngx.req.get_method(),
args = ngx.req.get_uri_args(),
body = ngx.req.get_body_data()
-- case 2
route.cc('/_/invoke', ngx_cc.optionAgain('clients'))
will return default option object, but opt.direction is 'clients'.
-- case 3
direction = 'super',
body = ''
will mix these options
- { direction = 'super', body = '' }
into default option object.
-- case 4
direction = 'super',
args = {
tryDoSomething = false,
doSomething = true
}, {
method = 'POST',
body = ''
will get mixed options beetwen direction_object and opt, but default_option_object is ignored.
# internal
route.cluster : cluster infomation for current worker process
# inherited from ngx_cc
route.say() : see: ngx_cc.say()
route.self() : see: ngx_cc.self(), support '_' replacement symbol
route.remote() : see: ngx_cc.remote()
route.optionAgain() : see: ngx_cc.optionAgain()
route.optionAgain2() : see: ngx_cc.optionAgain2()
# ngx_cc version 1.x
route.cc() : main communication function, support directions: super/master/clients/workers
route.cast() : communication at 'workers' direction only
route.isRoot() : utility,check root node for current
route.isInvokeAtMaster() : utility,check master/router node for current, and force communication invoke at 'master'
# ngx_cc version 2.x
route.isInvokeAtPer() : utility,check current is worker node, and force communication invoke at 'workers'
route.transfer() : override ngx_cc.transfer(), transfer current worker only.
function route.cc(url, opt)
function route.cast(url, opt)
the 'url' parament include pattens:
'/_/invoke' : a action invoking, the action_name setting in options
'/_/invoke/ding' : a remote call with uri '/ding'
'/_/cast/ding' : a remote call with uri '/ding', and target service will boardcast the message.
'/_/_/test/invokeXXX' : a sub-channel 'XXX' invoke at 'test' channel
the 'opt' parament see: ngx_cc.optionAgain
if you want send 'AAA' as action_name for all 'workers', the communication implement by these codes:
route.cc('/_/invoke', {
direction = 'workers',
args = { AAA = true }
-- OR
route.cc('/_/invoke?AAA', { direction = 'workers' })
and, if you want copy all from current request context(ngx.vars/ctx/body...), ex:
route.cc('/_/invoke?AAA', ngx_cc.optionAgain('workers'))
function route.self(url, opt)
function route.remote(url, opt)
route.self() will send a sub-request from current request context. it's warp of ngx.location.capture*, with same interface of route.cc().
route.remote() will send a rpc(remote process call). so, the full remote url is required for 'url' parament.
function route.isRoot()
check root node for current process. equivlant to:
cluster.master.host == cluster.super.host
cluster.master.port == cluster.super.port
if current is root node, then route.cc() with "direction = 'super'" will ignored, and return:
- r_status, r_resps = true, {}
function route.isInvokeAtMaster()
if current is master, then isInvokeAtMaster() return true only. else, will return false and re-send current request to real master/route node.
the function will force invoke at 'master/router' of current communication always. there is simple example, try it in your invoke code:
route.invoke.XXX = function()
local no_redirected, r_status, r_resps = route.isInvokeAtMaster()
if no_redirected then
... -- your process for action XXX
route.say(r_status, r_resps)
function route.isInvokeAtPer()
if current worker is listen at per-worker port, then isInvokeAtPer() return true only. else, will return false and re-send current request to real all per-workers.
the function will force invoke at 'workers' of current communication always. so will try request for per-workers, and process same action by per-worker. there is simple example, try it in your invoke code:
route.invoke.XXX = function()
local no_redirected, r_status, r_resps = route.isInvokeAtPer()
if no_redirected then
... -- your process for action XXX
route.say(r_status, r_resps)
another, a real case in module/invoke.lua.
2016.01.13 release v2.1.2, minor bug fix, thanks for stone-wind, he is 1st reporter of the project.
2015.11.04 release v2.1.1, channel_resources as native resource management
- n4c_supported tag removed in ngx_cc.lua
- n4c dependency removed in module/invalid.lua
2015.10.22 release v2.1.0, publish NGX_CC node as N4C resources
- support N4C resource management(setting "n4c_supported" in ngx_cc.lua) and high performance node list access
- support N4C distribution node management
- support master/worker process crash check and dynamic restore
- procfs_process.lua removed, get parent_pid by LuaJIT now
- status check is safe&correct by HTTP_SUCCESS()
2015.08.13 release v2.0.0, support NGX_4C programming architecture
- single shared dictionary multi channels
- custom headers when pass_proxy or ngx.location.capture (require NGX_4C framework)
- support super/client nodes online/dynamic transfer in cluster
- support cluster/node invalid check (require module/invalid.lua)
- single node invalid, will restart and put it to cluster
- super invalid, will waiting and try reconnection
- clients and workers invalid, will report to master of channel and try remove it
- add api
- route.isInvokeAtPer()
- ngx_cc.all(), ngx_cc.transfer(), ngx_cc.remote(), ngx_cc.self()
- update ngx_cc core framework
- requestSelf_BASH/requestSelf_DIRECT/requestSelf_CC is optional
- ssl port 433 is protected
- BUGFIX: post body lost
- UPDATE: standard/sample nginx.conf
2015.02 release v1.0.0