iOS library to integrate Airomo Search API into iOS project. The library uses ARC and requires at least iOS 6.0.
- Xcode 6+
- iOS 6+ target deployment
- armv7, armv7s, arm64 devices and the simulator (not armv6)
- iPhone and iPad of all sizes and resolutions
##Getting Started
Follow steps described below to install AiromoSDK framework:
Register your application on Airomo API website. Make sure you got your 'clientId', 'clientKey' and application 'id'.
Download latest version of AiromoSDK with example project from Airomo iOS SDK repository.
Drag&Drop "AiromoSDK.framework" (containing libAiromoSDK.a and Headers) and "AiromoSDK.bundle" (containing resources) into your project's "Frameworks" section.
Select application Target in 'Targets' section. Search for "library search" and then add the '$(srcroot)AiromoSDK' into "Library Search Path".
Import the <AiromoSDK/AiromoSDK.h> into application delegate (usually called AppDelegate.m) and configure Airomo SDK with your 'clientId', 'clientKey':
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions
// set the Airomo clientId and apiKey. You need to register your app here:
[AIManager setupWithClientId:@"YOUR_CLIENT_ID" apiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY"];
//your application specific code
return YES;
- To call API and show results in modal view - import <AiromoSDK/AiromoSDK.h> and use code:
AIManager *manager = [AIManager sharedManager];
//set query or metakeywords and/or url or tags for contextual search
manager.query = @"angry birds";
manager.metaKeywords = @"arcade game,shooter game";
manager.url = @"http://some.url";
manager.tags = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"game",@"birds",nil];
manager.price = AIPricePaid;// AIPricePaid - for paid applications, AIPriceFree - for free applications, don't set this property for both paid and free applications
manager.phoneListType = AIPhoneListTypeList; //AIPhoneListTypeTile - display apps as tiles, AIPhoneListTypeList - display apps in table list
//MY_PARTNER_ID and MY_CHANNEL_ID must be replaced with your own values
[manager showApplicationsWithPartnerId:MY_PARTNER_ID
withOffset:0 //offset to display next 'page' with apps
withSize:10 //number of apps per one 'page'
withAdSize:2 //number of sponsored apps per one 'page'
withAdOffset:0 //offset to display next 'page' with sponsored apps
withCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error)
if (error)
[[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"" message:[error localizedDescription] delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil] show];
If you have own UI style, you can receive search results as JSON by calling this method:
AIManager *manager = [AIManager sharedManager];
//set query or metakeywords and/or url or tags for contextual search
manager.query = @"angry birds";
manager.metaKeywords = @"arcade game,shooter game";
manager.url = @"http://some.url";
manager.tags = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"game",@"birds",nil];
manager.price = AIPricePaid;// AIPricePaid - for paid applications, AIPriceFree - for free applications, don't set this property for both paid and free applications
//MY_PARTNER_ID and MY_CHANNEL_ID must be replaced with your own values
[manager searchApplicationsWithPartnerId:MY_PARTNER_ID
withOffset:0 //offset to display next 'page' with apps
withSize:10 //number of apps per one 'page'
withAdSize:2 //number of sponsored apps per one 'page'
withAdOffset:0 //offset to display next 'page' with sponsored apps
withCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error)
if (error)
[[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"" message:[error localizedDescription] delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil] show];
- Congratulations! You are done.