COVID-19 dashboard built using python dash, charts and graph by plotly.
Data Source:
Highlighted word below header shows the current incident rate for Malaysia.
- Incidence rate provides a complete picture of the state of the pandemic in a community.
- It is a measure of the frequency with which the case COVID-19, occurs over 7 days in this case.
- It is calculated with the formula of (cumulative confirmed cases in a time period/ population)*1000000.
The dashboard also displays data showing total cumulative covid cases, daily new cases, total cumulative death cases, daily death case and total current active cases.
The pie chart in the dashboard shows the percentages proportion of the cases (active, recovered, death) from the total cumlative recordcases. The multiple chart shows a bar and a line chart showing daily recorded cases of covid 19 and death cases with its 7 day rolling average.
The chloropleth map displays the positive cases per 100k population. Showing positive cases per capita helps show how much the disease is spreading, relative to the total population size in each state.