Collection of python tools for the analysis of Mass Spectrometry Imaging datasets
The module provides function to load the data stored in the following formats.
Analyze7.5 The data are stored in three different files:
- .hdr : the header file contains informations about the image spatial properties
- .t2m : this file contains the m/z scale of the mass spectra. Note: the mass scale is the same for all the spectra (32 bit Long)
- .img : this file contains the actual intensity values recorded at each position for each m/z value.
The module is organized around the following classes:
- spectrum: low level class which contains mz and I for a single spectrum.
- speclist: this class represent a collection of spectra with the associated x y coordinates. The constructor requires:
- a list of mass spectra
- an optional [x,y] dimensions of the raster
- a string representing the geometry of the acquisition. either "S" for meandering or "N" for simple row-wise acquisition
Input required : Folder path, mass range
Output : Ion intensity image, Image and segmentation map matrix in csv file
Suppose for folder named Images, containing multiple image dataset folder such as A1, A2, A3. command line argument will be:
/Documents/MSimaging/Python/PyMSI$ python --file '~/Documents/MSimaging/Images/' -f 284.2 284.3
Input required : image matrix csv file path
Output : .csv file contains FOS based features value
~/Documents/MSimaging$ python -f '~/Documents/Msimaging/Images/A1_image.csv'
Input required : image matrix csv file path, distance parameter value
Output : csv file contains GLCM based features value
~/Documents/MSimaging$ python -f '~/Documents/Msimaging/Images/A1_image.csv -d 1'
Input required : image matrix csv file path
Output : csv file contains SZM based features value
Dependency : rpy2 module, and r radiomics library
~/Documents/MSimaging$ python -f '~/Documents/Msimaging/Images/A1_image.csv'
Input required : mask_matrix csv file path
Output : csv file contains shape factors value
Dependency : python cv2 module
~/Documents/MSimaging$ python -f '~/Documents/MSimaging/Images/A1_maski.csv'