A Step-by-Step Guide to Install Hadoop on OpenStack CentOS VMs and Run Jobs via Eclipse Hadoop Plugin
ajehang / openstackgeek
Forked from stackgeekdev/openstackgeekStackGeek OpenStack Deploy
ajehang / collectd-opentsdb
Forked from auxesis/collectd-opentsdbcollectd writer plugin for OpenTSDB
A bash script used to quickly setup an Ubuntu, Nginx, MySQL, PHP, Postfix, Wordpress stack on a new server (specifically geared to Slicehost VPS setup)
ajehang / opentsdb
Forked from OpenTSDB/opentsdbA scalable, distributed Time Series Database.
ajehang / tcollector
Forked from OpenTSDB/tcollectorData collection framework for OpenTSDB
ajehang / junk-1
Forked from SaveTheRbtz/junkMachine Learning, Statistics and analytics
Tools to build images with oz. THIS CODE BASE IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED
LXC Monitoring collects cpu and memory statistics for several Linux Containers, and creates pretty charts with it. Although it is intended for LXC containers, it can be used to monitor any type of …
Lightweight SOAP and REST webservice clients for Groovy
Less than five minute OpenStack Nova private cloud
A scalable, distributed Time Series Database.
viewtab, csvsql, and a range of utility classes for ML and data analysis.