beakerx_kernel_base Public
Forked from twosigma/beakerx_kernel_baseBase repository for BeakerX JVM based kernels
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 22, 2020 -
oh-my-dir Public
Per-project environments for Conda, Julia, Perl, Python, Rust, and more
callysto Public
Create domain-specific kernels for the Jupyter platform by extending a Python class.
callysto-examples Public
Example Jupyter kernels built on top of the Callysto framework
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 24, 2016 -
spate Public
Lightweight Python API for workflow composition and generation
kegg-animate-pathway Public
Command-line utility to color objects of a KEGG pathway with arbitrary colors
biofabric Public
Python implementation of the BioFabric network visualization technique
ajmazurie.github.com Public
Landing page and curriculum vitae of Aurélien Mazurie, Ph.D.
UpdatedJan 10, 2013 -
xweka Public
Set of command-line tools to automatize the use of the WEKA machine learning toolkit (see README)
xstats.MINE Public
Python wrapper for the Java-based Maximal Information-based Nonparametric Exploration (MINE) statistics library
xbio.SemanticDistance Public
This Python library provides a method to calculate a distance between terms in an ontology.
xstats.enrichment Public
enrichment (subset of the xstats package) is a Python library providing two methods to perform enrichment analysis, such as gene set enrichment analysis in bioinformatics
xstats.padjust Public
padjust (subset of the xstats package) is a Python library to correct p-values for multiple testing
Python Other UpdatedOct 28, 2011