Contributions are welcome and encouraged! I have not done any WordPress development in years, but would like to maintain this repository, since it has been of some use to others. If you are one of those others, and have found ways to improve upon this (or update it to reflect current front-end development practices), then please don't be shy. I promise to review and approve each pull request. :) Or, if you're simply having issues, and don't know how or don't have the means or time to contribute, then simply create an issue, and I'll do my best to look into it myself.
This theme is aimed at web professionials, but is of course available for anyone.
The bare essentials of a WordPress theme, no CSS styles added. Perfect for those who would like to build their own theme from scratch. One custom menu and one widgetized sidebar to get you started.
Based on the BlankSlate theme by TidyThemes, Blank Gulp/Jade/Compass/Sass Template provides built-in support for building sites with Gulp, Jade, Compass, and Sass. Before using this theme, run 'npm install' in the theme's directory in order to install the gulpfile's dependencies. (See package.json for details.)
This setup supports (but does not require) Zurb Foundation. For a Bootstrap version, see (although this is not being actively maintained)
GNU General Public License |
Blank Gulp/Jade/Compass/Sass Template, like BlankSlate, is 100% free and open source; perfect to build your own themes or use as a base for client projects. You may share this or list this theme anywhere as long as credit is given.