This is a Plex rest API agent. This allows users to implement your own rest API metadata server without implement the Plex agent.
- Able to implement your rest API metadata server with any language
cd /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/
git clone
chown plex:plex AvalonRestAgent.bundle
service plexmediaserver restart
You need to enter Plex token and metadata server URL in setting.
How do I implement an rest API metadata server?
Read the schema and implement it yourself. If you do not know how to do it, this agent is not designed for you.
I do not want to open my metadata server to public. What should I do?
There are two ways to do it.
- Place the metadata server in the same LAN of Plex. Use LAN ip for the agent to access.
- Implement HTTP basic authentication in your API server. Then, you can use http://username:[email protected] for the server address.
Here are some notes if you plan to fork the repository:
- Plex uses Python version 2.7.12 on Linux machines.
- To verify this, install the Plex WebTools Plugin
- Go to the "TechInfo" tool option and look for the "Python" key
- To setup a virtual environment on Windows for Python 2.7.12, run:
- C:\Python27\Scripts\virtualenv -p c:\Python27\python.exe env
- To activate the virtual environment, run:
- .\env\Scripts\activate