Tags: ajthom90/FontAwesome.swift
some fixes to the examples in the README (thii#122) * changed to swift3 syntax examples of old vs new syntax: UIFont.fontAwesomeOfSize(100) UIFont.fontAwesome(size: 100) String.fontAwesomeWithName(FontAwesome.Github) String.fontAwesome(name: FontAwesome.Github) String.fontAwesomeWithCode("fa-github") String.fontAwesome(code: "fa-github") UIImage.fontAwesomeIconWithName(FontAwesome.Github, textColor: UIColor.blue, size: CGSize(width: 4000, height: 4000), backgroundColor: UIColor.red) UIImage.fontAwesomeIcon(name: FontAwesome.Github, textColor: UIColor.blue, size: CGSize(width: 4000, height: 4000), backgroundColor: UIColor.red) UIImage.fontAwesomeIconWithCode("fa-github", textColor: UIColor.blue, size: CGSize(width: 4000, height: 4000), backgroundColor: UIColor.red) UIImage.fontAwesomeIcon(code: "fa-github", textColor: UIColor.blue, size: CGSize(width: 4000, height: 4000), backgroundColor: UIColor.red) * fixed tabs to be 4 spaces... * changed UIFont.fontAwesome to use ofSize parameter This is more consistent with the UIFont API; like in UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 200) * changed to lowerCamelCase for enum values * fixes to the examples in README... ;)