Change Data Capture (CDC) using Pyspark and Hive provides a capability to determine and track changes in data over time. It performs a type-4 implementation of Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) by maintaining a snapshot table and a history table. The identified records are marked with the following notation:
Record Type | row_opern |
No Change | N |
Updated | U |
Inserted | I |
Deleted | D |
Full Description:
Snapshot Table
eid | name | address | phone_num | row_opern | rec_eff_dt |
1 | John D. | 1200 Flagstaff Rd., TX | 9984467826 | U | 2021-08-08 |
3 | Linda S. | 3323 Rivera Blvd., NY | 5526631276 | U | 2021-08-08 |
4 | Michael W. | 2227 Ricks Rd., AR | 2456548766 | N | 2021-08-07 |
5 | Sean J. | 1312 MacStreet Blvd., WA | 2339794455 | N | 2021-08-07 |
6 | Bethany S. | 5354 Britain Rd., OR | 5559875643 | N | 2021-08-07 |
7 | Christy L. | 3321 Fountain Blvd., OR | 6642346545 | I | 2021-08-08 |
History Table
eid | name | address | phone_num | row_opern | rec_eff_dt |
1 | John D. | 1200 Flagstaff Rd., TX | 9984467825 | I | 2021-08-07 |
1 | John D. | 1200 Flagstaff Rd., TX | 9984467826 | U | 2021-08-08 |
2 | Kristy P. | 4432 Preston Rd., MA | 3243454112 | I | 2021-08-07 |
2 | Kristy P. | 4432 Preston Rd., MA | 3243454112 | D | 2021-08-08 |
3 | Linda S. | 1104 Olympus Blvd., NY | 5526631276 | I | 2021-08-07 |
3 | Linda S. | 3323 Rivera Blvd., NY | 5526631276 | U | 2021-08-08 |
4 | Michael W. | 2227 Ricks Rd., AR | 2456548766 | I | 2021-08-07 |
5 | Sean J. | 1312 MacStreet Blvd., WA | 2339794455 | I | 2021-08-07 |
6 | Bethany S. | 5354 Britain Rd., OR | 5559875643 | I | 2021-08-07 |
7 | Christy L. | 3321 Fountain Blvd., OR | 6642346545 | I | 2021-08-08 |
Create Hive Tables. Samples attached under hive directory.
Include library and adjust based on requirements.
spark-submit --py-files cdc-library/