A boilerplate built with shadcn/ui for rapid development of modern web applications.
- shadcn/ui: A set of customizable UI components for building polished user interfaces with consistent design patterns.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for rapid styling and responsive design.
- Radix UI: Accessible and unstyled components for creating custom UI elements.
- React: Component-based architecture for building user interfaces.
- TypeScript: Static typing for enhanced code quality and developer experience.
- Vite: Fast build tool and development server with optimized builds.
- Storybook: Develop and test UI components in isolation.
- ESLint: Code quality assurance through linting.
- Lint-staged: Runs linters on staged files during commits.
- simple-git-hooks: Automates tasks like linting before commits.
- React Hook Form: Simplifies form handling with minimal re-renders.
- Zod: Schema validation for form data.
- Jotai: Atomic state management for fine-grained control.
- @tanstack/react-query: Server-state management for fetching and caching data.
- Framer Motion: Animations and transitions for enhanced user experience.
- Vitest: Testing framework for unit tests.
- i18next and react-i18next: Localization and translation support.
- MSW (Mock Service Worker): Mocks API requests for testing and development.
- Embla Carousel: Lightweight carousel component.
- Recharts: Interactive and customizable charts.
- Lucide React: Collection of icons for consistent visual cues.
- React Markdown: Renders Markdown content in React components.
- clsx: Conditional class name management.
- Date-fns: Date and time operations.
- Tailwind CSS Animate: Pre-defined animation classes for Tailwind CSS.
Visit Documentation for detailed usage instructions.
Please read the contributing guide for guidelines on contributing to this project.
Licensed under the MIT license.
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- shadcn/ui: A set of customizable UI components for building polished user interfaces with consistent design patterns.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for rapid styling and responsive design.
- Radix UI: Accessible and unstyled components for creating custom UI elements.
- Innei: The author of the vite-react-tailwind-template.
- Epic Stack, A full-stack project template based on
And many other open-source projects.