-CRUD LAMP Stack Web Appliaction- CMS CRUD Web Application
Built with Bootstrap on the FronEnd and PHP on the BackEnd with a MySQL Database
The purpose of this application is to create dynamic content for public pages, to have our PHP server communicate with a MySQL Database to manage and maintain the public interface that the user sees and interacts with.
This application allows users to create dynamic public content such as pages, with images and changes to the public's page logo all from a central Admin portal. On the Admin Portal, admin's can manage users (Edit and Delete other admin users), manage pages( Create, Edit and Delete pages).
This project allowed me to showcase my Programming skills and my knowledge in PHP, one part that stand out for me in this project is that, I created a simple logging system which captures the appliaction runtime errors or information that is then stored in a log file that is generated on a daily basis on the server (this is all managed by PHP and not the server itself).
These technologies were used, because they were a requirement for the assignment.
Created By - Akeem Palmer
- clone this git repo.
- Start up a LAMP Server Environment (example: MAMP, xxamp)
- start up a MySQL Database Server - if you'r not using one of the above.
- Run the Database queries, which can be found in schema.txt
- Serve your php server.