- Shorty
- Prerequisites
- Configuration
- Examples
- Run the application
- API Swagger Documentation
- Running tests
- Read the SDD
- Maintainers
Shorty is a URL shortener API. The shortener API is accepting a url to shorten and the client can optionally decide on which URL shortener provider to use.
For the convenience of the interviewers, i created accounts in both Bitly and Tinyurl providers and generated the access tokens for accessing their shortener API's.
If for some reason you API response is 401 Unathorized, please make sure to have your tokens ready.
There is an .env file which i have added in order to pass the access tokens as environment variables at the runtime of the container. The application is reading these tokens from the config file which i will explain in more detail in the design document that i will forward to Vasilis.
You can add the providers access tokens to the .env file before running the container, or just use the tokens that i have already provided for you.
There is an examples package, which contains some modules with examples on how to use some of the resources that i've created for this application. I think that the examples are very convenient for the engineers who would like to use the software and see some code examples.
The application is running within a docker container, which is spinning a Green Unicorn WSGI with 2 workers and binding the 8080 port.
Please build the image:
docker build -t shorty .
Rename the .env.sample to .env
cp .env.sample .env
Run the container:
docker run -itd -p 8080:8080 --env-file .env shorty
I used Flask-restX, the flask extension for building better RESTFUL API's. Flask-RESTplus (deprecated) and Flask-restX (his successor) are providing API documentation out of the box (Swagger).
You can read the API documentation and use the API by navigating to the: http://localhost:8080/v1
I used poetry for package and dependency management. Poetry also provides python virtualenv which makes running test easier for me. Please Make sure that you have poetry installed in your machine,
Then you can run:
poetry install
source $(poetry env info --path)/bin/activate
Then build and install the generated shorty package:
poetry build
pip install dist/shorty-0.1.0.tar.gz
Run the unit tests:
cd tests/unit/
Run the integration tests:
cd tests/integration/
Anastasios Kentominas [email protected]