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A collection of GNU Radio Companion flow graphs for the inspection of IEEE 802.15.4-based networks


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A collection of GNU Radio Companion flow graphs for the inspection of IEEE 802.15.4-based networks

Description of the GRC flow graphs

The following GNU Radio Companion (GRC) flow graphs were developed on Debian 10.3 using GNU Radio 3.7, with the gr-foo and gr-ieee802-15-4 modules, and a USRP N210 with an SBX daughterboard:

  • ieee802154_transceiver.grc: A simplified version of Bastian Bloessl's GRC flow graph for an IEEE 802.15.4 transceiver.
  • ieee802154_uhd_to_cf32.grc: A simple GRC flow graph that captures I/Q samples from a USRP for offline analysis.
  • ieee802154_cf32_to_pcap.grc: A simple GRC flow graph that demodulates previously captured I/Q samples.


The following set of instructions was compiled using information from the following sources:

Install Git in order to checkout the repositories:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install git

Install the dependencies of UHD:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install build-essential cmake doxygen libboost-all-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev python-docutils python-mako python-requests python-six

Build and install UHD:

$ git clone
$ cd uhd/
$ git checkout v3.14.1.1
$ cd host/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build/
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ make test
$ sudo make install
$ cd ../../../

Add in the library path for dynamic linking by writing the following at the end of the ~/.bashrc file:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib

Execute the content of the ~/.bashrc file and update the list of shared libraries:

$ source ~/.bashrc
$ sudo ldconfig

Test whether the uhd_find_devices command can be found or not:

$ uhd_find_devices

Create a group called usrp that includes the user:

$ sudo groupadd usrp
$ sudo usermod -aG usrp $USER

To enable real-time scheduling, add the following line in the /etc/security/limits.conf file:

@usrp            -       rtprio          99

Reboot the computer:

$ sudo reboot

Download UHD FPGA images:

$ sudo uhd_images_downloader

Create a connection profile for the Ethernet interface that will connect to the USRP with as its static IP address and as its netmask.

Connect the USRP to the Ethernet interface and then execute the following commands to make sure that you can communicate with it:

$ uhd_find_devices
$ uhd_usrp_probe

If the uhd_usrp_probe command generated any configuration warnings, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file accordingly, e.g.:


If the /etc/sysctl.config file was edited, refresh the system configuration:

$ sudo sysctl -p

Load the appropriate image, by providing the type and IP address of the USRP, and then let it reboot, e.g.:

$ uhd_image_loader --args="type=usrp2,addr=,reset"

The USRP should be available shortly after it finishes its reboot process:

$ uhd_find_devices
$ uhd_usrp_probe

To minimize IQ imbalance and DC offset of your USRP, disconnect any external hardware from the RF antenna ports and execute the following commands to calibrate the daughterboard:

$ uhd_cal_rx_iq_balance --verbose
$ uhd_cal_tx_iq_balance --verbose
$ uhd_cal_tx_dc_offset --verbose

Disconnect from the USRP and restore the connection profile.

Reboot the computer:

$ sudo reboot

Install the dependencies of GNU Radio:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install cmake doxygen g++ git libboost-all-dev libcanberra-gtk-module libcomedi-dev libcppunit-dev libfftw3-dev libgsl-dev libqt4-opengl-dev libqwt-dev libsdl1.2-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libzmq3-dev pkg-config python-sip-dev python-cheetah python-dev python-gtk2 python-lxml python-mako python-numpy python-qt4 python-sphinx python-wxgtk3.0 swig

Build and install GNU Radio:

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd gnuradio/
$ git checkout maint-3.7
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ mkdir build
$ cd build/
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ make test
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig
$ cd ../../

Make sure that GNU Radio was successfully installed:

$ gnuradio-config-info --version
$ gnuradio-config-info --prefix
$ gnuradio-config-info --enabled-components

Test a simple GNU Radio flow graph that does not require any SDR:

$ python gnuradio/gr-audio/examples/python/

Make sure that the GNU Radio Companion (GRC) tool was successfully installed:

$ gnuradio-companion

Install the icons, mime type, and menu items bundled with GRC:

$ sudo /usr/local/libexec/gnuradio/grc_setup_freedesktop install

Build and install gr-foo:

$ git clone
$ cd gr-foo/
$ git checkout maint-3.7
$ mkdir build
$ cd build/
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig
$ cd ../../

Build and install gr-ieee802-15-4:

$ git clone
$ cd gr-ieee802-15-4/
$ git checkout maint-3.7
$ mkdir build
$ cd build/
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig
$ cd ../../

To use the best architecture for the Vector-Optimized Library of Kernels (VOLK) function, execute the following command:

$ volk_profile

Open the gr-ieee802-15-4/examples/ieee802_15_4_CSS_PHY.grc file with gnuradio-companion to generate and execute the flow graph in order to build the CSS PHY layer as an hierarchical block.

Open the gr-ieee802-15-4/examples/ieee802_15_4_OQPSK_PHY.grc file with gnuradio-companion to generate and execute the flow graph in order to build the O-QPSK PHY layer as an hierarchical block.

Open the gr-ieee802-15-4/examples/transceiver_CSS_loopback.grc file to test the installation without any additional hardware by generating and executing the flow graph.

Install Wireshark:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install wireshark

Connect to the USRP using its Ethernet profile.

Connect appropriate antennas to the USRP, open the gr-ieee802-15-4/examples/transceiver_OQPSK.grc file, and do the following:

  • Simply generating and executing the flow graph should work because initially it uses the loopback interface.
  • Disable the Packet Pad block.
  • Enable the UHD: USRP Source block.
  • Set Ch0: Enable DC Offset Correction and Ch0: Enable IQ Imbalance Correction in UHD: USRP Source>Properties>FE Corrections equal to True.
  • Enable the UHD: USRP Sink block.
  • Generating and executing the flow graph should still work.
  • Enable the Wireshark Connector block.
  • Enable the File Sink block.
  • Generating and executing the flow graph should still work, which should generate the /tmp/sensor.pcap file that should contain captured packets with Hello World! payload.
  • Disable the Message Strobe block.
  • After generating and executing the flow graph, you should be able to capture packets from operational IEEE 802.15.4 networks by tuning to the appropriate channel.
  • Delete the connection from IEEE802.15.4 OQPSK PHY to QT GUI Frequency Sink.
  • Connect UHD: USRP Source to QT GUI Frequency Sink.
  • By generating and executing the flow graph, you should be able to see the FFT of the Rx PHY interface.
  • Disable the QT GUI Frequency Sink.
  • Create a QT GUI Waterfall Sink, with Bandwidth (Hz) equal to 4e6
  • Connect UHD: USRP Source to QT GUI Waterfall Sink.
  • Generating and executing the flow graph should now generate a spectrogram of the Rx PHY interface.
  • Enable the Socket PDU block.
  • Enable the Packet Pad block.
  • Disable the UHD: USRP Source block.
  • Try to transmit a simple message by generating and executing the flow graph, followed by executing $ python3 to enter the following commands in an interactive Python 3 session:
>>> import socket
>>> sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
>>> message = "Hello World!"
>>> sock.sendto(message.encode(), ("", 52001))
>>> exit()

Terminate the execution of the flow graph and then do the following:

  • The generated /tmp/sensor.pcap file should contain a packet with "Hello World!" in its payload after executing the above commands.
  • An independent IEEE 802.15.4 sniffer should have also been able to capture the packet after tuning to the appropriate channel.

Disconnect from the USRP and restore the connection profile.

Install the latest version of Scapy:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install python3-pip
$ sudo pip3 install scapy

Reconnect to the USRP with its Ethernet profile, reopen the modified gr-ieee802-15-4/examples/transceiver_OQPSK.grc file, and do the following:

  • Disable the RIME Stack block.
  • Disable the IEEE802.15.4 MAC block.
  • Connect Socket PDU to IEEE802.15.4 OQPSK PHY.
  • Try to transmit an IEEE 802.15.4 packet using Scapy (v2.4.2+) by generating and executing the flow graph, followed by executing $ python3 to enter the following commands in an interactive Python 3 session:
>>> import socket
>>> from scapy.all import *
>>> sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
>>> frame = Dot15d4FCS()/Dot15d4Data(dest_panid=0x4242, dest_addr=0x2323)/"Hello World!"
>>> sock.sendto(bytes(frame), ("", 52001))
>>> exit()

Terminate the execution of the flow graph and then do the following:

  • An independent IEEE 802.15.4 sniffer should have been able to capture the packet after tuning to the appropriate channel.
  • Try to transmit a Zigbee packet using Scapy (v2.4.2+) by generating and executing the flow graph, followed by executing $ python3 to enter the following commands in an interactive Python 3 session:
>>> import socket
>>> from scapy.all import *
>>> sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
>>> frame = Dot15d4FCS(fcf_panidcompress=True, fcf_ackreq=True, fcf_srcaddrmode=2)/Dot15d4Data(dest_panid=0x4242, dest_addr=0x2323, src_addr=0x0101)/ZigbeeNWK(discover_route=1, flags='security', destination=0x2323, source=0x0101, radius=30)/ZigbeeSecurityHeader(data='Hello World!')
>>> sock.sendto(bytes(frame), ("", 52001))
>>> exit()

Terminate the execution of the flow graph and then do the following:

  • An independent IEEE 802.15.4 sniffer should have been able to capture the packet after tuning to the appropriate channel.
  • To turn the flow graph into a simple IEEE 802.15.4 sniffer, enable the UHD: USRP Source and disable the Packet Pad and Socket PDU blocks.

If you were able to follow these instructions without any errors, then you should be able to generate and execute the flow graphs of this repository.

Related Publications

  • D.-G. Akestoridis, V. Sekar, and P. Tague, “On the security of Thread networks: Experimentation with OpenThread-enabled devices,” in Proc. ACM WiSec’22, 2022, pp. 233–244, doi: 10.1145/3507657.3528544.
  • D.-G. Akestoridis and P. Tague, “HiveGuard: A network security monitoring architecture for Zigbee networks,” in Proc. IEEE CNS’21, 2021, pp. 209–217, doi: 10.1109/CNS53000.2021.9705043.
  • D.-G. Akestoridis, M. Harishankar, M. Weber, and P. Tague, “Zigator: Analyzing the security of Zigbee-enabled smart homes,” in Proc. ACM WiSec’20, 2020, pp. 77–88, doi: 10.1145/3395351.3399363.


This project was supported in part by the Carnegie Mellon CyLab Security and Privacy Institute and in part by Carnegie Mellon University.


Copyright (C) 2020 Dimitrios-Georgios Akestoridis

This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later (GPL-3.0-or-later).


A collection of GNU Radio Companion flow graphs for the inspection of IEEE 802.15.4-based networks




